Chapter 165 - Remnants (3)

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From Henemy's back a thick aura materialized to protect him from the attacks.

"Form a pincer attack!", Zhuge Taeryong shouted.

Although their numbers were growing incredibly low from the death count, they still had enough members left to form a kind of pincer attack to try and confuse Henemy.

Namgung Heewon quickly rushed over to Murong Seojin where she was standing trembling with the sword in hand to check up on her.

Henemy was no fool and decided to move first. The practitioners tried to form a semi-circle and split their ranks to divide his attention, but Henemy quickly broke through the formation and grabbed one of the practitioners in the mid way by the head.


The practitioner's head grabbed by Henemy, popped like an exploding watermelon, as blood, bits of bone from his skull, and brain matter flew from the lump of flesh that was once his head.

[GAHAHAHAHAH!], Henemy burst into a maniacal laughter.

His mouth started to open to such an obscene degree it looked like a snake enlarging its mouth to swallow a mouse whole. Then, he chomped on the remaining flesh of the dead practitioner's head and chewed the flesh loudly.

The other martial artists suddenly flinched at the grotesque scene and shuddered noticeably. They had spent a whole week without much rest, food, water and constant tension. This scene was starting to crack their sanity as fear started to envelop them.


Zhuge Taeryong shrieked in absolute fear as he had never seen something so vile and cruel in his entire life. The formation also broke apart from the hesitation apparent from the practitioners. This would only lead them to their deaths. As a formal pincer attack required the attackers to rotate to rest the members of the party while the opponent would be worn down slowly.

Henemy though being merciless was no fool. He planned out the best way to incite as much fear as possible and jumped towards the group with blood spraying everywhere. However, he did not kill them ...yet. He tore off the limbs one by one and incapacited the opponents to remove their mobility and make them shriek in horror. The cries and sounds were frightening all those who listened and only grew Henemy's power further.

Namgung Heewon made the most rational thought he could and decided to try and flee. He glanced over to Murong Seojin. If she gave him a gap he would take her by surprise and flee with her, whether she was willing or not.

[Escape...We need to escape together.], Dang Ah-hui sent a mental message to Namgung Heewon noticing his intentions and wanting to live too.

[What?], he responded as he didn't expect it.

[I'm going to rush order my fighters to rush into battle and draw attention. So please...take me with you!], Dang Ah-hui said without a trace of hesitation.

Namgung Heewon was no saint, especially so in this situation, but his face was contorted with disgust at Dang Ah-hui's utter lack of comradery to throw away her subordinate's lives away like that.

More and more people died as time passed. Namgung Heewon was no fool and knew through Erebrisa that the fear was only making Henemy stronger. He had to come to a decision quickly.

Henemy was very cunning, and had a thorough understanding of the opponents positions from start to finish. Naturally he did not want to waste any fear that he could collect.

"What the hell... is that...?", Zhuge Taeryong was sprawled on the floor trying to inch away bit by bit as he saw the gruesome scene before him.

Henemy raised his body up after eating a limb from a practitioner. He gave a silent gaze at the crawling Zhuge Taeryong and looked at him with indifference as if he were utter trash.

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