Chapter 96 - The Search for Envirus

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"We're here."

The carriage stopped. The man inside the carriage got off and placed something in the coachman's hands.

"Oh my. Why all this?"

The coachman received the money from the man while smiling widely.

His destination was also on the way anyway, and all he did was give him a ride in his carriage.

Of course, he didn't do it out of pure goodwill. He had hoped for a certain price in exchange, but the money that the man handed him had far exceeded his expectations.

"By the way. Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the forest."

The man replied, raising his gat. His face looked quite young, but the youthful aura was long gone.

However, the coachman failed to see the dissonance engraved in the young man's eyes. He looked at the man and nodded his head.

"It's a lot. Well, I'll take it, but......"

The coachman muttered and turned his head.

"The forest. The rumors about that place aren't too pleasant, though..."

He knew.

He was already aware of it.

Lee Sungmin turned to look at the departing carriage. After leaving Shaolin, there was still time left to stop Baek Sogo's death.

He couldn't waste much time, but he shouldn't rush either. If Baek Sogo was determined in her pursuit of Wijihoyeon, then even if Lee Sungmin intervened, he wouldn't be able to prevent her from making a move.

It might be possible to stop her using force, but Lee Sungmin didn't want to do that. It was because there was no justification for him to make Baek Sogo go against her beliefs.

In order to spend the remaining time efficiently, Lee Sungmin thought of the things he had to do in the future.

Contact Envirus.

Envirus was the one that Denir mentioned. The one whose flow of time was distorted in a way that was different from him. He was also the one who spent 1000 years under Denir's trial.

It wasn't just Envirus. While in secluded cultivation at Denir's place, Lee Sungmin heard the names of the others who had succeeded in passing the trials before him.

'There was no familiar name among them.'

Lee Sungmin felt it was strange. Anyone who has succeeded in overcoming the trial in the subconscious world should be famous to some extent, at least in Eria.

But Lee Sungmin had never heard of Envirus or the other two.

Although it bothered him, Lee Sungmin first sought information on Envirus through Erebrisa.

His luck was good. This forest was not far from the Dungeon, where Wijihoyeon and Baek Sogo were supposed to meet, so he could stop by, on the way without too much issue.

Lee Sungmin's footsteps stopped in front of the forest.

It was called the Sleeping Forest.

The information on Envirus purchased from Erebrisa was incomplete.

He seemed to be a figure that the information guild could not find easily. The information he managed to get was that a year ago, in a nearby city, a man with the name Envirus on his merchant's plaque had come by.

It was said that he had stayed in the city for a month and told the inspection checkpoint that he would be going to the sleeping forest when asked while leaving the city gates.

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