Chapter 35 - Training

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Because of magic, the penalty of weight became a lot easier to cope with. But that was only for a few days. The moment that he felt used to it,

'It became heavier.'

Sungmin bit his lips. Mush's penalties were harsh and cruel. As he got used to it, it became worse and worse.

Sungmin walked. He used the strength of magic. He added inner strength just to be able to move.

[It's gotten worse.]

Sogo came up as Sungmin was struggling to lift his spear. She put out her hand towards Sungmin. Sungmin's spear came to her.

Sungmin's weight didn't count toward her. Sogo swung her spear a few times and shook her shoulders.

[You don't have to swing your spear all day to practice spear techniques, can't you use your bare hands?]

[But it's better with the spear.]

[You're so stubborn on strange things.]

Sogo laughed

[It'll be harder to practice Shadowless. If I told you, I shouldn't have taught you it.]


[I'm kidding. Since it's like this, I'll give you some advice.]

Sogo gave back the spear. When he got it, he almost dropped it because of the weight.

[The suffering of this mountain, if you think about it, helps you move towards your goal]

Sogo started to write.

[It's the hardships to reach your goal that you keep in your mind. Do you understand?]

[... I don't understand.]

[It's simple. As you keep achieving your goal, you get more rewards.]

[Rewards. That's strange.]

[It's not like that all the time. That is... Mush is pretty fair. Suffering always gives rewards. For me, it's level of martial arts.]

Sungmin tilted his head. Sogo kept writing.

[It's like this. Let's say you made your goal to reach the 2nd level of Shadowless. If you succeed that, you might get up to the 3rd level, not just the 2nd.]

It was direct and easy to understand. Sungmin barely understood the mechanisms of the mountain.

Mush said that the mountain was a reward. That wasn't wrong. The goal that he made for this mountain was to get stronger. As he achieved that, he achieved fast rates of growth.

Therefore, rewards were coming to him.

[I don't know what you're goal is. You didn't say. I don't want to criticize you for making such a high goal. But there is this saying. A thousand miles starts with a step.]

Sogo smiled.

[How about keeping your goal smaller?]

At that, Sungmin figured out something. He had Wijihoyun as a goal, and he was reckless with that goal.

'A sparrow gets hurt trying to walk like a stork'

Sungmin smiled bitterly. It wasn't a good feeling thinking that he was a sparrow. No, maybe he wasn't.

He might be.

Name: Lee Sungmin

Job: No Class


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