Chapter 83 - Shaolin

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She slept briefly.

She did not dream. 'She' was mostly like that. Whether she slept lightly or deeply, she didn't dream well. Living diligently day by day, she never felt any charm in the dream world. Not feeling sorry for the memories in her dreams fading when she woke up.

This 'she' was Wijihoyeon. No dreams. There was no enjoyment in the process of falling asleep for her. To her, the act of sleeping was nothing more than to relieve fatigue and effectively kill time. Wijihoyeon opened her eyes, raised her body and curled up.

A heavy blizzard was blowing.

Trigia, the northernmost part of Eria, was a place where every day was winter, and snow didn't melt. The snow that fell didn't melt; it accumulated and froze. The air was cold enough to freeze the lungs. If you didn't wear a thick layer of clothing, the cold was severe enough to make it hard to stand up. However, Wijihoyeon's outfit made it seem like she was dressed for a much different climate. She wore a fur coat, but did not wear any thick clothing underneath.

Even so, Wijihoyeon didn't feel cold. This is because she already acquired 10,000 Poison Immunity and is no longer affected by the cold. That's why she did the crazy act of curling up and falling asleep outside in this strong blizzard. However, it was troublesome when wayward snowflakes stuck to her hair and skin. Wijihoyeon reached out a hand to brush the snowflakes away from her head.

The Black Dragon, which was blocking the wind and snow, descended and wrapped around her body after she made that gesture. Among the artifacts she obtained during her travels, this Black Dragon, which seemed to flutter without wind, was Wijihoyeon's favourite. The Black Dragon could get longer or shorter depending on how much inner qi was used, and could also become wider or narrower. Wijihoyeon came out from under the tree, brushing her shoulders and clearing away the snow gathered on the Black Dragon's feet.

"Done sleeping?"

A desolate-looking man bowed his head as he approached Wijihoyeon. He was the Solitary Blade Dokgo, one of the Heavenly Demon sect members that followed Wijihoyeon. He was the first follower and the leader of the less than 20 sect members.

"My eyes opened on their own."

Wijihoyeon answered. She neither liked nor disliked the Heavenly Demon Sect, which followed her. It would be more troublesome to dismiss them, so she just let them follow. Although they are following her on their own, this does not mean that Wijihoyeon was travelling with them. Wijihoyeon would only go wherever she wanted to go, and the Heavenly Demon sect was following her of their own accord. Even with such a one-sided relationship, the Heavenly Demon sect followed Wijihoyeon because they were fascinated by her overwhelming strength.

"The promised time may have passed, but he still hasn't come."

"Couldn't you just get a good night's sleep then?"

Wijihoyeon said with a nonchalant expression. She accepted it, but Dokgo could not. He muttered, with his thin eyes narrowed,

"He shouldn't overdo it. Who is waiting for who here..."

"It's the Bloody Heavenly Demon that's making me wait. I am the one waiting for them, so why are you angry?"

"But Master ..."

"Don't call me Master. I have never accepted you under me. I won't stop you from following me as you please, but don't call me Master. "

At the end of Wijihoyeon's words, Dokgo's eyebrows shook and trembled. He bowed his head without protest. Having followers is useful because it made things convenient, but it wasn't necessary for Wijihoyeon. Just a little while ago, they had braved the blizzard to stand guard for her, who had just gone to sleep to kill time. But Wijihoyeon hadn't asked them to do it. So she didn't feel grateful. There was no need.

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