Chapter 131 - Blood Heaven Demon (1)

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Lee Sungmin went back to the northern gate, which he had previously escaped from. Crazy Heavenly Demon followed behind Lee Sungmin, looking around with a laugh.

"Is this Travia?"

Although he had never been there before, Crazy Heavenly Demon was well aware of the largest city in the North, Travia. Therefore, he was surprised to see that great Travia was reduced to such rubble.

"I've never been to the North, but I have heard of it a lot. Bloody Heavenly Demon... That foolish Museon."

As Crazy Heavenly Demon muttered, Lee Sungmin looked at him. It sounded like Crazy Heavenly Demon knew Bloody Heavenly Demon.

"Have you ever met Bloody Heavenly Demon?"

"A long time ago."

Crazy Heavenly Demon said.

"It was almost a decade ago. It was before I descended into madness and before Baek Museon began his reign in Travia."

Crazy Heavenly Demon had a forlorn look on his face as he recalled the bloodshed back then. At that time, Bloody Heavenly Demon was a young master who shined with brilliant talent. Crazy Heavenly Demon thought that he would become a good opponent after taking one look at the Bloody Heavenly Demon of those days.

"You still have some business in the north, don't you?"

Crazy Heavenly Demon asked Lee Sungmin. Lee Sungmin nodded slowly.

"In that case, I would like to go take a look somewhere as well."

"Are you going to meet Bloody Heavenly Demon?"

"We go way back. I've only heard rumors, but I know that he is in despair. I'm still his elder, so I'd like to meet him once and talk about it."

It seemed unnecessary to go with Crazy Heavenly Demon. It would be very helpful if Crazy Heavenly Demon was by his side when he had to fight with Freskan.

[You don't need to be worried.]

Heoju said.

[This city is Geniella's territory, and you have currently caught her attention. I don't know how strong that lich Freskan is, but he's definitely not as good as Geniella.]

Lee Sungmin looked up. Freskan's familiars were still floating overhead. He did not have to go out of his way to visit him.

Three days later, Crazy Heavenly Demon made an appointment to meet again at an inn near the northern gate. Crazy Heavenly Demon left immediately after that. He did not know how Crazy Heavenly Demon planned to find Bloody Heavenly Demon in this large city, but that was his matter to deal with.

Lee Sungmin started walking slowly. He walked into a deserted alley. Freskan's familiars floating high in the sky followed behind him.

"Are you just going to watch?"

Lee Sungmin looked up and asked. Then the familiar flapped its wings. Lee Sungmin looked at Freskan through the familiar.

"I think that we both want the same thing. What do you think? If you tell me where you are, I'll go to you right away."

At that end, the familiar came down stiffly. A crow that came to Lee Sungmin's eye level opened its beak. The crackling beak snapped open several times, and a languid voice leaked out of it instead of chirps.

"You cheeky little bastard."

The crow spat out in a ferocious tone.

"Just what is it that makes you so confident? Stealing the heart that someone devoted their lives to make... !"

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