Chapter 149 - Choice (3)

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Leggoro Forest and Lord Samaryunju. The last remark he was left with lingered in his head but Lee Sungmin shoved it to the last of his priorities.

He had to go South first.

They need to meet some Natives of the tribes in the South to learn how to deal with the forces, and also to acquire the treasures of Heoju. In the meantime, he also needs to ask a Sorcerer who can answer and heal the curse of Wijihoyeon. It would be a long journey to the South.

The group left the Samaryunju branch and took the train right away. As for yesterday's commotion, Samaryunju had already dealt with it, so the guards at the train station only warned Lee Sungmin and did not pester him.

"Don't get in trouble.", the ticketing clerk warned.

The Crazy Heavenly Demon wore a complex look on his face that made him look like he was blissful to take the train again but also saddened to leave the city.

"You can come again next time.", Rubia said.

She sat beside the Crazy Heavenly Demon. Lee Sungmin then helped Wijihoyeon sit next to him as the train engine rumbled to life. Wijihoyeon looked out the window. She didn't say anything and just stared blankly at the passing scenery. She didn't complain about the sudden departure and hid her anxiety well.

Rubia was still a bit dazed. She was still confused how Lee Sungmin knew such a famous martial artist. Not only that, their relationship seemed more than just acquaintances. Rubia remembered how they almost died to the doppelganger of Wijihoyeon in the dungeon and had a tinge of respect and admiration in her eyes.


The Crazy Heavenly Demon opened his mouth. He glanced out of the window, pretended to be solemn, and tried to see Wijihoyeon's arm.

" what he said right? You're both writing history with these kinds of accomplishments. Even in the Murim, this kind of talent and hard work is rarely seen."

"Crazy Heavenly Demon.", Wijihoyeon called.

Looking out the window, she moved her gaze to meet the Crazy Heavenly Demon.

"Ten years ago, I've been listening to stories about you since I left Genavis."

"What do you think then?"

Wijihoyeon spoke informally, but Crazy Heavenly Demon didn't mind it.

"It's annoying that I'll overpower you, but I don't think it's going to be hard. "


"I'm sure of it. I've been trying to reach transcendence up until now. I've been hanging on for decades, but I haven't reached it."

"Well it's as expected.", Wijihoyeon murmured.

At Wijihoyeon's answer, the Crazy Heavenly Demon burst into laughter accompanied with a less reassuring smile.

"It may be impossible now because of your bad health, but if you get better one day, I'd love to have a duel with you. "

"As you wish."

Wijihoyeon then leaned her head against the window. She was extremely conscious of the curse becoming stronger and stronger. Before, it was difficult to move her internal energy and some parts of her body. But now she couldn't even move her fingers, let alone circulate a shred of her internal energy.

It wasn't because of the clash with Ironclad. The wounds and internal injuries from the duel had already healed, Wijihoyeon could feel it. It was the curse that is eating her body from the inside out, faster and faster.

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