Chapter 51 - Encounter

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Sungmin felt a gaze.

Xeon was staring at Sunmin's face silently with his mouth shut . The thick smoke from the cigar in Xeon's mouth hindered Xeon's vision, but Sungmin could feel Xeon's gaze from beyond the smoke .

Xeon felt interest in this boy that was in front of him . Yes, boy . Sungmin was still a boy . Although he looked quite older due to the sufferings and hardships he went through, Sungmin's age was still 18 . Not old enough to be called an adult(弱冠 – 20 years old) .

"Great, I should say . "

Xeon put down the cigar . Bern looked around the smoke-filled room with a frown and opened the window . However, Xeon didn't care about what Bern did . Although Bern was the head of the Behenger branch mercenary guild, as the leader of the Corona mercenaries, Xeon's position should be higher if not equal to Bern's .

"I heard you were 18, but... you're trained quite well . You've killed an ogre chimera?"
"...Yes . "

Even while listening to Xeon's evaluation, Sungmin didn't know what kind of expression to make . Was he supposed to be happy? Or was he supposed to feel bitter . In his previous life, he never caught his attention even once .

"You're proficient in hiding your aura . Meaning, you're used to hiding your qi . Although your physical development seems slightly immature, your muscles are definitely trained well . "

The reason he was lacking physical development was because he didn't have proper food . Sungmin was also aware of that . Xeon looked at his hand .

"Your hands . They are the hands that swung the spear more than thousands of times . I like them . "
"...Thank you . "
"A no-class, huh?"

Xeon picked up the cigar he put on the ash tray . After sucking on the cigar a few times, he put the cigar out on the ash tray .

"Is it suffering, or effort, that you went through?"
"...I consider it to be both . "
"Probably . "

Xeon giggled .

"I was also a no-class after all . I know how shit this world is to no-classes . ...I can only praise you for achieving such a level despite that . "

Otherworlders, who became famous in Eria as a no-class was extremely rare . Xeon, the leader of the Corona mercenaries, was one of them . The reason Sungmin chose to enter the Corona mercenaries as their bottom run was also because he admired Xeon .

No . Strictly speaking, it wasn't really admiration . What Sungmin of the previous life wished for was salvation and sympathy . Sungmin... wished Xeon to save him . Because they were both no-classes . He expected Xeon to sympathize with him and give him good things .

Of course, no such thing happened . There were many no-classes in the Corona mercenaries who entered it with the same mindset as him, and Xeon did not give them a single glance .

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"Enter the Corona mercenaries . "

Spoke Xeon .

"I have already heard of your skills . A solo kill of an ogre chimera . With that kind of achievements, you should become an SS-rank soon . If you enter, I will put you right by my side . "
"...You mean you'll let me have the vice-leader position?"
"I don't think it's a bad offer . "
"Is it because I'm a no-class?"
"No, I'm just greedy of your skills . You seemed to have stepped in to the realm of peak-level experts at that age . With enough time and support, you may surpass the wall of the peak-level once and for all . "
"And you mean you can provide me with that time and support?"

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