Chapter 107 - Mimics

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'What a strange guy.'

The stranger's eyes were like bottomless wells, and Solitary Blade couldn't stop staring. His first attack was nothing to write home about. Of course, that didn't mean he was weak. The blow he blocked was heavier than that of Iron Fist Marang.

'I didn't know there was another person like that with Silent Flare.'

He couldn't comprehend the whole situation yet. While he might feel he was ahead of or at least equal to Solitary Blade, that wasn't enough right now. He had intruded into the fight suddenly, but his skills weren't strong enough to completely reverse the situation. Solitary Blade looked at him and laughed. His sword made a sound. It sounded like the mournful cry of a dying child.

Lee Sungmin looked at Solitary Blade's sword. His martial arts were incomparable to Solitary Blade. But he couldn't step back. He held the spear. He closed his eyes once, opened them, and evened his breath. There was no shortage of qi in his Dantian. There were no delusions in his mind. There was only a strong resolve.


Solitary Blade straightened his posture.

'It should be easy to beat him... so why does it suddenly not seem easy anymore?'

Those bottomless eyes gave him a strange feeling.

He stopped hesitating. They both leapt forward to strike at each other. Lee Sungmin didn't hold back and used Shadowless and One Thunder simultaneously to leave an afterimage as he ran forward. Solitary Blade slashed his sword sideways as he took half a step forward. Lee Sungmin gripped his long spear tightly and stabbed forward.

There was no clashing sound. The attacks were in vain. The stabbing spear soared upward in a straight line. Solitary Blade swung his sword at a shorter height while turning his upper body at an angle.


There was definitely a clash of weapons this time. He turned his entire body without looking back and exerted all the power he could in the attack. His hands felt numb. Lee Sungmin's knees buckled slightly. It looked like he had been pushed back by force, but in reality, he had taken several steps back voluntarily.

Solitary Blade was like a rabid dog that would not miss any prey around it. He remembered what Chiwgeol said. The way Chiwgeol was wounded. What had happened to Chiwgeol's ripped off arm.

He went for a one-shot attack, with dozens of blades in it. It would not cause a simple flesh wound. Simply grazing by would be enough to draw blood.

The spear pierced through the air, and Solitary Blade's eyes shifted quickly. He distinguished between the false and true spearheads that shot at him in rapid succession.

'What an expert. You seem young and full of energy... Hu-hu! But something is strange.'

A sly look arose on Solitary Blade's face. He couldn't rest yet. The sword shot out with a piercing sound and parried the spear's attack.

'Although it seems like an attack, it's quite restrained. You know when to retreat and when to advance. Indeed... Right now, you're at an advantage.'

There was no reason not to attack aggressively. Lee Sungmin didn't want to allow Solitary Blade to find any gaps to take advantage of.

Half a step.

It was Solitary Blade who took half a step forward. The Defense Aura wrapped around him greatly increased. Lee Sungmin's sixth sense was alerted, and his body responded immediately by switching to the Nine Heavenly Spears technique. The spear aura burst forth like red waves, and a sharp spearhead pierced out through it.

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