Chapter 121 - The Vampire Queen (1)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Lord."

Hundreds of voices resonated inside her mind.

Lee Sungmin walked down the streets of the city where devils ran rampant. The streets of the central district of Travia had a distinctively unpleasant feeling in the air. It would be right to say that it felt wrong instinctively rather than just a feeling of something being off.

"It feels ominous."

Rubia hid behind Lee Sungmin's sleeves. Rubia wasn't a beastkin, but her cat's ears stood out enough for her to attract attention. Although she was hiding in order to avoid any unnecessary disputes, she could still feel the ominous aura of the street.

[There's a lot of non-humans around.]

Heoju said.

[Even if it is a city of devils, there are too many non-humans gathered in the central district of the city. It's one thing if it were in the South, but in the North, it's a little... ]

'Is there a reason for it? According to Erebrisa...'

[Erebrisa's information is nothing more than information gathered through information guilds, information merchants, and talks from the street. Don't trust their information unconditionally. Information that is not in circulation cannot be purchased through Erebrisa.]

Heoju advised.

[The extent of Erebrisa's ability is that of an intermediary. If you don't know anything about it, it would be better not to trust their 'information' unconditionally.]

The information on Travia that he had purchased through Erebrisa that is.

After the Bloody Heavenly Demon was defeated and the Bloody Heavenly Demon sect collapsed, the Sama Order that was previously controlled by them, raised their head. As a result, all sorts of non-human races entered the city, thus turning it into a city of devils.

[The Bloody Heavenly Sect and Bloody Heavenly Demon were controlling these many non-human races and keeping Sama Order in check? Hahaha! You should say something that makes sense. If he really was doing it, he would be the most powerful person in the world. A man with such competence was defeated by a little bitch named the Minor Heavenly Demon? It's not even funny.]

Heoju said as he laughed loudly.

[This town attracted devils. In addition, ghosts would attract other ghosts, and monsters would attract other monsters. A twisted being would dive right in seeing a black pit because they can't resist it – just like a cat running into a box. There is something in this city. Something that pulls them in.]

Heoju said with a joyful voice.

[This city, I don't know what it is, but there's something here. Something that attracts non-humans.]

Heoju didn't know exactly what it was. Neither did Lee Sungmin.

He looked around as he walked down the streets, but he didn't see anything that bothered him. In the first place, Lee Sungmin did not have any great purpose behind his arrival in Travia. It was just to visit the largest city in the North, a city with a huge population, as he waited for the fated meeting.

So he had to stay in Travia for a long time. He had plenty of money in his hands, but he didn't intend to stay at a luxurious place since there was no knowing what would happen during his long-term stay.

"As long as we're not homeless!"

When he said they were going to an inn, Rubia piped up in a cheery voice. It didn't really matter to Lee Sungmin whether or not he had a roof over his head, but Rubia was very dissatisfied with being homeless for so long.

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