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Entering the cafe i looked around to find baekhyun and there he is in the corner ...wait who is he smiling at ? on walking close to him my eyes widened seeing his girlfriend sitting with him , they noticed my presence she smiled at me , now i am confused i am literally going to marry her boyfriend here she is giving me smile sudden snap of finger by baekhyun in front of my face brought me back to reality and then i realized i was literally staring at seulgi for don't know how long ? ah jisoo why you will always embarrass yourself? giving them awkward smile i sat on one of the chair but in next second seulgi stands up , hugs baekhyun ah this is so awkward and then turns her attention towards me .

Seulgi : I'll get going jisoo-shi ! you both can have talk *smiles and went out of the cafe *

Baekhyun : Do you want to have something jisoo-shi ?

Ahh now this is even more awkward why am i getting nervous seeing him, i don't want to stay here for long so i decided to bring him to the point .

Jisoo : *tight smile * No thanks ! You wanted to talk about something right ? so umm what is it ?

He looked nervous too! releases a deep sigh and decided to speak

Baekhyun : I don't want this marriage.

Whatttttttttt did i heard it right omg i am happy he don't wanna get married but his next words crashed my mere moment of happiness

Baekhyun : I want you to call off this marriage please !

Jisoo : What are you trying to say baekhyun-shi?

Baekhyun : *sighs* I have always obeyed abeoji's word , no one in the house can change the decision if abeoji decides it , so i want you to disagree with the idea of us getting married

IS HE IN HIS SENSES RIGHT NOW ? as if my family asks my opinion now how the hell am i supposed to cancel the wedding , looking at my distress face he speaks worriedly

Baekhyun : Are you okay ? You look pale !

Jisoo : umm ahh how am i suppose to call off the wedding ?

Baekhyun : Just tell your parents we don't love each other or you don't like me but please don't reveal my relationship with seulgi, abeoji doesn't know about it !

Jisoo : So you mean Mrs Byun is aware of your relationship .

he simply nods his so that day she was not actually disappointed with my appearance but my agreement FOR THE WEDDING because she knew her son is not happy well he's lucky to have at least one of the parent to get support

Jisoo : But my parents won't get convinced * i speak in helpless tone *

Baekhyun : Please make them understand , abeoji will never agree with my marriage with seulgi because she doesn't belong to well known family like us , but i don't want to destroy three lives together , i won't be able to love you , the only person i love is seulgi and i don't think you want a loveless marriage ?

Well he is right but i have been always the obedient girl of the house how am i supposed to convince , wait oppa he will help me , i should ask him for help .

Jisoo: Okay ! * his face brightens listening to my reply * i will try but i can't be sure because my family is no different than yours , decisions once made are quite difficult to change , hope you understand baekhyun-shi

He nods his head and shakes his hands with me before leaving me alone in the cafe , i looked through the window and saw them (baekhyun and seulgi ), both together walking down the streets holding their hands , they are cute , she must have waited for him to finish the talk ! taking out my phone i decided to ask oppa where is he so that we can have talk ! and walked out the door .

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