I almost forgot I had a life before this...

I've been staring at the walls for like five minutes. I need a hobby or something. Maybe a job...I don't know, I kinda like the idea of spending the rest of my life living peacefully with Kai.

I sighed as I placed my hand on my stomach. I forgot that instead of eating breakfast, Kai was eating me...That's so embarrassing.

Kai will be ok with me just going to get my food right?

I walk slowly down the stairs, slightly bending down to see if I could see if Kai and Jax were closer than I thought. I would prefer to avoid Jax and keep what happened as much of a secret as possible.

I'll tell him when I think it's a good time to...I have no clue when that'll be though.

I stood up straight as I reached the bottom of the stairs and realized that I didn't even hear them talking. "Where's Kai, Needy?" I murmured to the big-eyed cat as I bent down and picked him up.

I wonder if Kai wiped the table off. It needs serious amount of bleach because if homes were health inspected, we'd be shut down.

"I'll just...do this really quick." I tip-toed toward the closet next to the pantry which was also past the garage door.


I froze as I heard my name echo out from the garage. That's where they went.

I stood as still as possible as I tried my hardest to listen. I know being nosey is bad but they're talking about me, so that gives me some right to listen.

"What about her?" I listened as Jax chuckled.

"What have you been telling Rose about her?"

I heard the heel of Jax's boot click against the concrete, his tongue mimicking the sound as it clicked against his teeth. "I told her to be more discreet. That's sure as hell something she didn't listen to."

What is he talking about?

Jax sighed loudly and dramatically, his boots hitting hard against the floor. "I told her that Celestia got hurt again last night and she wasn't happy with you about it."

"One: why the fuck does Rose think she has any business getting upset with me. Two: who the fuck do you think you are telling Rose everything that I, leading on to number three: I didn't fucking tell you what happened to Celestia. So how do you know?"

"Aurua told me, dickhead. She tells me almost everything when she isn't lying. And to answer both of your other questions at the same time, don't be stupid. We all see how Rose looks at Celestia. It's beyond friendship."

Rose doesn't...what are they talking about? Are they trying to say Rose...

"You're right, I'm not dumb. You and Rose seem to have bonded over something for you to be talking to her often enough for her to go to you for information. Rose looks at Celestia just how you look at her. Except I don't give a fuck about what Rose thinks of her because she's just Rose. You, on the other hand, are my best friend and I know you better than anyone. You are my problem."

Jax sighed quietly, the only reason I could hear it was because of the light echo. "Rose and I bonded over sex, Kai. I fuck her occasionally and yes we did bond over something involving the both of you but it wasn't just Celestia."

Kai scoffed, "You're fucking Rose? The same girl who shows up almost every fucking day to gawk at my girlfriend?"

I know this isn't the time and there are much more important matters at hand but, hearing him refer to me as his girlfriend makes my heart flutter a little bit.

"I don't give two shits what she comes here to do. I have sex with her once or twice a week; I'm not dating her. You understand that more than anybody. Listen, Kai, we started talking because we understood each other and what it felt like to be losing our best friends."

I jumped slightly as Kai burst into laughter. "What the fuck are you talking about? Rose could barely be considered Celestias friend before she knew Celestia was living with me! I don't see you for months at a time man! And when you would come back or even respond to a text message, it was to ask if I had any pussy you could borrow or if I had a threesome on my checklist for that day! You're bonding over the fact that you're using each other!"

"That's not true man, you know that. I was there for you when-"

"When what? When Lucy died? Fuck off about that! You were not there for me at fucking all! You got your cousin, who was in fucking college, to fuck me after Lucy's funeral because you said 'I'd make me feel better'! That's not help, Jax! We were fifteen and I—"

"Stop looking at it like that, Kai. I didn't know any better! I thought that it was ok. I—"

"Get the fuck out. Tell Rose not to come back, don't bring her back and don't try to come back with her or Aurua because even she won't be able to save you if I have to see you one more fucking time. I don't know how I dealt with you for so long."

I stepped back slowly as I heard footsteps approach the garage door. "Kai! Hey! You can't be mad about that! I was young, I thought it was cool to fuck college girls, why wouldn't I? I mean—"

I jumped back as I heard a large crash and the garage door slam shut in front of me.

"Kai!" I almost fell through the door as I stepped through. My eyes widened as I saw Jax leaned against the wall, blood on his lip.

"I asked you to stay upstairs."

I glanced up at the disheveled man as he stared down at the smiling blonde that was resting against the wall.

"Well...That's a new one." He chuckled as he stood up. "I guess I'll..." he glanced between the two of us, my eyes immediately avoiding his as I felt his run along my body for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"I'll leave. Excuse me."

I stepped far off from the path to the door, giving him more than enough space to get past me.

We stood silent until we heard the front door slam.

"Are you ok?"

"What happened to your arm?"

We both spoke at the same time. Kai's question much more concerning.

I glanced down at the lightly bruised rings around my arm. "Uh...I don't know. I must have hit it on something. Slept on it wrong..."

"No...no those look like you were grabbed."

I stepped back as he strode toward me, his eyes not moving from the rings on my arm. "Let me see." He murmured as he gently took my arm. "Did I do This?" His eyes softened as he looked down at me and despite the hickeys he left on my neck not being much different than a bruise on my arm, he seemed genuinely worried that he was the cause for my marking.

"No! No! I think I just hit it." I tried to retract my arm but despite his grip being gentle, it was still stronger than I could pull away from.

He stared at me for a second, my heart racing in me chest as I prayed he didn't put two and two together.

"Aurua would never talk to Jax about that..." as his voice faded out and his grip loosened, his eyes switched from mine to the cracked garage door. "Did Jax do this to you? Is he the one who hurt you the last night?"

Oh shit.

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