Chapter 34: Alola league Opening Ceremony

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Serena internally cheers at the fact that Ash loves her cooking. She isn't one of those girls who wants to just cook and clean for her man in fact she's against that whole sentiment of women 'staying in the kitchen.' However, they say a key to a man's heart is through his stomach and although she already has Ash's heart it can't hurt to make sure. Plus as long as Ash is grateful then she doesn't mind cooking for him. After all she does find it quite cute they way he eats.

Serena shakes off her thoughts and with a slight blush on her face exclaims "Thanks Ash and you too Kukui."

Kukui smiles and remarks "No thank you Serena, anyway are you ready for the performance tomorrow."

Serena sighs and responds "I think so, truth is though I'm a little nervous. It's the first time we've performed in a stadium this big so I'm not sure how it'll go."

Ash smiles at his girlfriend reassuringly and exclaims "Serena don't worry about it, the bigger the stadium just means that more people will get to see how awesome your performances are."

Serena smiles at her boyfriend and replies "Yeah that's a good way of thinking about it."

Burnett adds "I know you'll be great Serena. You've been working really hard to perfect your routine, you deserve to enjoy it."

Ash pumps his fist and remarks "She's right Serena, just be yourself and give it everything you've got. Tomorrow your gonna be awesome I just know it."

Serena feels reassured by the encouragement she's received and is a little more relaxed about the opening ceremony. As a thank you she leans over towards Ash with her lips puckered up. She drifts her lips towards Ash's and gives them a sweet peck.

She leans away with a small blush and remarks "Thank you Ash, I won't let you down and you too professors."

Ash smiles with a small blush on his cheek. Things are petty good right now. He's eating some delicious food his girlfriend has cooked for home. She looks happy and she's given him a little bit of love. Life could definitely be worse.

Kukui shakes his head and comments "Neither of you will let us down. We know you'll both be great."

Ash pumps his fist and exclaims with confidence "That's right, Serena's going to nail her performance and I'm going to win the Alola league. I'm going to become Alola's first ever champion and end my league losing streak."

Kukui  chuckles and replies "Exellent, that's exactly what we want to hear."

Burnett nods and adds "Yes, tomorrow is a big deal for us all. We should really all get some rest."

Everyone finishes their dinner as Ash responds "Yeah your right and thanks for dinner Serena."

She smiles and says "It's no problem Ash. There's plenty more were that came from."

The 4 of them all head off to bed for an early night ahead of the opening ceremony.

Early the next day, Ash and Serena lay asleep in bed as the couple snore away. Serena lays with her arms tightly wrapped around Ash's body and her head resting just under his chin. Ash has his arms around Serena while the two snore away.

Eventually Professor Burnet knocks on the door and calls "Ash, Serena are you awake."

She gets no response as the two continue to sleep as Ash sleep talks "I love you Serena."

Burnet sighs and opens the door. She steps inside to see the couple sleeping in the aforementioned position as Serena sleep talks "I love you Ash."

Burnett smiles and exclaims "Aw look at them two, they look so cute like that. It's a shame to wake them but we need to get moving."

I Wanna Be The Very Bestजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें