Ch. 13: There's No ARRGH In Team Part 1

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QUICK NOTE: Lyrics in one of the songs in this chapter have been slightly altered to fit with this story and general audiences. Original lyrics belong to their songwriters. All rights reserved.



Up in the Mothership, Nine was lead to the Council in handcuffs by an Eggforcer. Done-It was the first to greet him on his floating egg-chair.

"Well, if it isn't our favorite... what are you, anyway? A possum? Weasel?"

"If you wanna see a weasel, just look in the mirror," Nine talked back. That only earned him a mild tase in the neck by his escort.

"Enough!" cried Deep, as he descended from above on his floating egg-chair. "I have a question for you, and you need to answer it very, very carefully."

"You've already stolen my Shatterdrive technology. What else do you want?"

"There's a whole Shatterverse of worlds for us to conquer," replied Eggman from above. "And to do that, we need this Mothership fully operational!"

"Figure it out yourselves," huffed Nine.

"Or we could figure out how to take you apart, piece by piece. It's up to you," hissed Don't in his ear, which made the fox subconsciously gulp. Babble called in his other ear, making him more nervous. Nine had better come up with a plan, and fast.



The hedgehogs and the pirates ran for cover as the Eggforcers commenced the attack. Willow picked up the captain's hat that flew off Sonic's head as she ducked behind some crates.

"Ye know these scalawags?" Dread asked the hedgehogs while ducking under lasers.

"Yes and no," answered Sonic. "Short version: they're after the Shard, too."

"You mean the Devil's Lighthouse? Let 'em have it! I already told you, I want nothing to do with it."

The Eggforcers adjusted their aim slightly so they could get a clean shot at the echidna; Sonic slipped right in, scooping him while a blast barely grazed his head. The two boys fell on the floor on top of each other. A sudden creak made everyone turn around to find that a blast hit the mizzenmast, causing it to snap in half and topple over the quarter deck.

"By order of the Chaos Council, surrender or be destroyed," commanded Rusty.

"Rusty, this isn't New Yoke City," said Sonic as he got up on his feet while Dread ran off. "Come on, let's talk this through.

"Quiet, hedgehog. I am addressing the captain."

Batten pointed at Sonic. "He be the captain." He, in turn, grinned with pride.

Rusty blinked in monotone surprise. "Sonic is the captain?" She then deadpanned. "I wish I were programmed to laugh."

He heard Willow rolling around, pounding on the boards, dying of laughter. Everybody turned towards her like she was insane. She blinked at the crowd of pirates surrounding her in confusion as soon as she stopped.

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