Ch. 4: Shattered Part 4

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"Paradox Prism, right," Sonic mumbled to himself as he made the free-fall back down. "That's what Eggman was after. And that girl, Willow, came from somewhere else entirely. How?"

The mint green hedgehog was scouring the area for any sign of her blue friend, and ended up being utterly spooked by his KERSPLAT on the concrete, completely missing the open dumpster that would of provided any cushioning to break his fall. He groaned while pushing himself to his feet, looking in sheer horror at the Eggy-faced sign on the wall in front of him and the hedgehog girl.

"Nooo, no no. I didn't leave Green Hill. This is Green Hill. He did it? I don't know how he did it, but he did it: Eggman won."

The eyes on the sign blared red as an alarm went off.

"That would mean--"

Laser blasts from dead ahead interrupted his thinking.

"Badniks," he uttered under his breath with seething venom.

"I gotta find Tails!"

The mint green hedgehog yelped as Sonic scooped her off her feet and took off with another team of automatons closing in on them.


"Who are you?" A monotone female robotic voice wondered aloud as she watched the two hedgehogs dash off in the security camera.

"More ungrateful rebels?" A male voice from behind asked her, seeking out a report.

"No. Something new. Not in the databanks." The owner of the robotic female voice typed in a few keys and peered onto another screen displaying an analysis scan of the two hedgehogs. "Their energy signatures are... intriguing. The Unidentified Running Organism carrying the Unidentified Helpless Organism has outrun the Eggforcers and is heading towards Babble's Area."


"So what did you remember?" the mint green hedgehog asked while the Blue Blur carried her.

Sonic hummed in a mixture of unsatisfaction and frustration. "Not much. Something about a 'Paradox Prism' and how you and I met. You fell from the sky, actually-- Floated, I meant 'floated'. " He chuckled a little. "And I remember your name, Willow Thistle!"

She smiled to herself a teeny weeny bit. "That's... good to know."

They zipped passed by a tanooki Mobian being held hostage by an automaton, who immediately turned towards the direction of the source with its beady neon green eyes turning red and sounding off an alarm.

Sonic huffed in annoyance as he searched the streets, "Finding Tails would be easier if everything was covered in grass and palm trees, like it should be."

Willow's ears drooped a little. 'True, but that's because this is not your world anymore. It's a whole other dim--'


Sonic's electrified sneakers squeaked very painfully to a halt in front of an enormous figure hovering in midair; the blue hedgehog thankfully tightened his hold around Willow to keep her from launching forward. She ket out a small gasp at what she turned around to see.

A fifteen-foot tall yellow robot stood in their way, having a more round build for the chest, giant hulking arms (one of them a cannon of some sort), and tiny teeter-tottering feet. Embedded into its body was a sort of big yellow eyeball with all the colors of the rainbow for the iris.

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