Ch. 10: Situation: Grim

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"Squad Commander Blue, this is Squad Commander Red," a dark purple female cat Mobian radioed in her earpiece, hiding back behind a building in an alley while observing the troops of Eggforcers and heli-drones patrolling the streets. "Initiate Operation: Cheese."

She ran over behind the building across form her, catching a squadron's attention. "Possible rebel suspect. Inspection initiated."

The squadron flew single-file into the alley, only to lead to a dead end. "Scanning for rebel soldiers." The Eggforcers looked around, scanning for any possible lifeforms.

A green spotlight shone behind them, illuminating a winged logo with a lightning bolt in the center.

"Resistance icon identified."

One of the automatons was suddenly smashed by the cat from the sky.

"It is a trap."

"Now!" she hollered.

Knux landed on the concrete and signaled an open fire from all sides in a full-on barrage.

Rusty Rose (for some reason) was ordering another squadron of Eggforcers to the alley while she followed behind. She climbed onto a roof near the fighting, kicking a rebel unconscious while she watched the scene from above. "Recording initiated."

"Eat words like dirt, 'bots!" S.C. Red gritted her teeth as she marched forward shooting.

Two screams from above picked up on Rusty's scanners. "Blue and green hedgehogs detected."

Sonic and Willow were saved from being splattered on the pavement by the vine that got tangled up with his feet, catching onto a nearby power-line and letting them slink down with ease.

"We're back in New Yoke City?" Sonic cocked his head, recognizing his surroundings. "How did we end up back--"

A war cry interrupted him from above. A crimson ball shot up into the air with a robot appendage in hand. "For a better tomorrow!" cried Knux. "Who's with me?"

Knux was ducking for cover as he was helping the other soldiers. 

The vine holding Sonic and Willow aloft inches away from the ground finally snapped, causing them to topple on top of each other. Sonic heard a whine from Willow as he got up. "Oww... I think you landed on my bad foot," she squeaked.

"Sorry," he grunted as he lifted her back up. He yelped in panic when he caught himself in a bad moment and had to rapidly dodge laser blasts on his toes. "New Yoke City isn't quite how I remembered it," said a dizzy Sonic before he rushed Willow out of the line of fire.

"Sonic! Never thought I'd see your smug mug again," gruffed Knux as he hopped down off of a fallen robot and prodded the blue hedgehog in the chest. "Where were you?" His violets landed on the makeshift bandages on Willow's foot. "Whoa. And what happened to her?" He punched through an Eggforcer and hurled it out of the alley, narrowly missing an unseen Rusty, who was recording the Blue Blur's every move.

Sonic set Willow down somewhere in the alley where she most likely wouldn't get buried by robo-rubble, then came back. "Dude, I had zero intention of leaving you," he tried to explain as they beat away more Eggforcers. "I touched the Shard, somehow took Willow with me, and we got zipped to another world with another you fighting another battle!"

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