Ch. 8: Unwelcome to the Jungle

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A flock of yellow Flickies swooped down from the emergents to the dark forest floor below.

Three shadows dropped silently onto the damp ground from vines they sent down from the canopy. One of them, armed with a spear, narrowed at their surroundings cautiously then motioned the other two to follow, the last pulling out a slingshot with a lump in their throat. The three crept through the jungle until the shadow with the spear lifted a large frond of a bush.


Behind the frond was a large mossy log, several bushes, and some with very small berries. The shadow with the spear gestured to the others. "Let's go. Food, water, supplies. Whatever you can find. Quiet and quick."

There wasn't much, yet they seemed to still be on their guard. Just when the shadow with the spear eyed a beautiful gem-shaped berry, a shrill cry echoed throughout the jungle. Flickies flew away as the booming of giant feet was approaching the shadows from behind.

"RUN!" the shadow with the spear yelled to the others. The three shadows all screamed when the owner of the noises gave another shrill cry as it quickly drew closer and pounced on them.


Sonic and Willow screamed as they dropped from a green portal from above onto some very thick tree branches, with Sonic bellyflopping on something hard but hollow while Willow fell on top of him.

She heard the chirping of birds as she rolled off his back and sat up. They had apparently landed on a giant wooden plank suspended to a tree. A giant treehouse fort, maybe? Even better: clear skies, sun was shining midmorning, no smog! But something was off; the branches above them were all barren while the rest of the thousands upon thousands of acres of lush, green tropical forest thrived below.

A long delayed thought crossed her mind. 'Oh yeah! The gem!'

She quickly took her backpack off and unbuckled it, and sure enough, it was still in there; and her journal still had some pages filled up! The girl sighed in relief as she buckled her bag back up and pulled her arms through the straps.

She heard a groan from the blue hedgehog as he rolled onto his side. "Oh, I really gotta start landing on my feet..." He blinked a few times before realizing that he was looking up at the blue sky. "What?"

He got up on his feet and looked around. "Where am I?" He cupped a hand beside his mouth. "Nine? Nine? Are you out there, buddy? Rebel?" Sonic let his hand fall to his side as he sighed. "Heck, I'll even take Knux, at this point..."

Willow came over beside Sonic as he leaned over and peered down at the overgrowth below. "Is this a city park?" he continued talking out loud to himself. "I wonder if the rebels know about this." 'You REALLY think this is still New Yoke?' she deadpanned. 'There's not a single bit of visible air pollution for miles--'

Her thoughts stopped once she noticed something off about Sonic. "Whoa."

The little comment that came out of nowhere scared the bejeebers out of him; he would've fallen off the ledge, had she not of yanked his arm back. Sonic broke his fall in a standing plank, before he found himself staring directly into amethyst eyes.

"Willow! Y-you're okay!" he beamed, before laughing a bit while rolling his eyes. "Ugh, you scared me! Came out of nowhere!" She averted from his gaze.

"That... happens a lot."

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