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The ocean that surrounded the Green Hill Zone quietly rippled its lulling song for the evening sun. And it would have been peaceful...

... if it were not for a blue blur quickly zipping by, collecting Rings.

The blue hedgehog's swift feet almost tripped a poor striped purple cat twice his size, who was carrying his fishing pole back home. The cat wore a large brown belt and sandals, complimented by a pair of light peach gloves. A little green frog rested ontop of his head.

The large cat was nearly knocked off his feet, both him and his frog companion spinning around dizzily. Luckily, the blue hedgehog swiftly came back and steadied the poor fellow. "Sorry, Big. Sorry, Froggy," he quickly apologized while still jogging in place. "Can't chat -- gotta go help our friends!"

The cat, Big, watched the blue hedgehog leave as fast as he came. Still in a daze, with his fishing pole luckily still in his hands, he then shook it off and waved back. "No problem, Sonic." Froggy croaked in thanks.

"Home is where your friends are, as they say," the Blue Blur mentally narrated as he carried on with his run, winking to an unknown audience beyond.

A visual of all his friends flashed into his mind. Big and Froggy, along with the others were having a bright, cheerful summer picnic around a palm tree (or tropical, if it was summer all year long, anyway) under a vast blue sky without a cloud in sight. Flickies (a type of bird) were chirping and everyone had smiling faces and welcome arms. "And that's Green Hill: where the best beaches, palm trees, and chili dogs --" Sonic could literally see himself sinking his teeth into a whole plate stacked with them -- "are just the tip of the iceberg!"

A sunset came into view of a pink hedgehog riding with a red echidna on the wings of a red biplane, of which was owned by a yellow twin-tailed fox, who was piloting it. A white bat flew close behind. "We saved this place a million times! From this doofus..."

A pudgy six foot tall man called (very terribly) in front of a casino lights backdrop (in Sonic's imagination). He wore a long red tailored lab coat with gold buckles over his egg-shaped belly that protruded over his jet black pants with matching boots and silver buckles. He had a set of goggles atop his bald head and a pair of opaque spectacles that were scrunched in between the brows of his pointy, sunburnt pink nose. Under his nose sprouted a large, dry, husky brown mustache that looked so frayed that it must've been overdone by a curling iron.

In another visual, an amber streak zipped through the winding hills and then leapt in a ball into the air and brought a fist down on a boulder three times his size when he stuck his landing, turning it into nothing but splinters. The black and red-striped hedgehog rose back up with a sour face, as if unsatisfied. "Aaand then there's Shadow. It's... complicated. More on him later."

A memory then showed Sonic and his friends all sitting together talking amongst themselves while watching the sunset. "The fact is: we never lose!"

Back in the present, Sonic finally reached the foot of a cliff next to a large red clay mountain, where the remains of a large robot suit laid smoking in an impact crater (most likely made recently), where a huge crack trailed uphill. Increasing his speed, he raced up the walls of the cliff towards the very first evening stars showing up in the sky. " 'Cause when you've got a crew like mine, there's nothing that can stop you!"

Scaling up to the top of the mountain, he found his way into the giant opening of a chasm. "Hey, guys!" he greeted as he screeched to a stop. "I made it!"

The four friends all glared at him, all seemingly starting a battle. "You're late!"

The nefarious human, who was a good distance from the league of heroes, frowned upon hearing the newcomer's voice as he he turned around. "Sonic..."

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