Ch. 12: It Takes One To No Place Pt. 2

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Her amethyst eyes fluttered open to the abyss of the Void. She was in her normal clothes, floating a few feet away from a giant yellow portal when she heard a crash. She turned to see the ebony hedgehog slam into a meteor-sized fragment. He groaned, rubbing his head, before he was looking in her direction.

The girl froze and shut her eyes as he bounded off the fragment towards her, and then... passed right through her. He head turned to where he went and decided to check it out for herself.

She softly passed through like she was floating until her feet touched the ground. Looking around at her surroundings, she realized that this was the Green Hill Zone, Sonic's home. But wait... something was wrong. Very wrong.

All of her surroundings looked pale and bleak, like all the color had been drained out of them.

"As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman!"

Willow's head swerved in all directions for the source of the voice. She ran through a palm tree grove onto the soft sand of a beach. Tails was there in midair, tinkering with his Miles Electric. "As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman!" He was as pale as a ghost.

'Okay, THAT was peculiar,' she thought stepping back before accidentally bumping into a rock, which Amy was sitting on, talking with her pink Flicky, Birdie. Both of which were transparent, as well.

"The forest is the most beautiful place on earth."

On another rock, a transparent Knuckles was doing bench pressing with a boulder three times his size (which kind of actually scared Willow). "I don't need the details; just tell me who to smash."

Willow backed away from the beach, hyperventilating even up to when she found her back against the cliff. These were the same things she heard from the crystalline apparitions when she was first launched into the Void. Have all of those combined into one Shatterspace? A world of nothing but memories?

She then noticed the ebony hedgehog standing around on the beach with his arms crossed near a palm tree, where a transparent Rouge was having upside-down. "You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done," she smiled.

The ebony hedgehog sighed, massaging his forehead. Willow could tell that these repetitive messages were getting on his nerves, as well.

"I don't know what I'm doing," she heard him say to himself. "If I hadn't ever lost it, I would've been able to easily track them down. Ugh... I just... I just need some answers. How do I undo this? What's... that girl... got to do with all of this?"

He glanced about before his eyes fell on the highest point in the area.

"The mountain..."

He sped off to it with his hover shoes. Willow wished to follow him; within the blink of an eye, she found herself standing at the top of the peak next to the entrance of the cavern. The ebony hedgehog arrived not a moment later and descended into the cavern, with her running after him without hurting herself. The two slowed down once they reached the pile of rock where the Paradox Prism should've been.

Well, it was there, yet, it wasn't.

The cluster was all transparent, save it be for a yellow Shard the size of a football fitted into it like a puzzle.

'So Grandma and I were right! We just need to collect the Shards from the different Shatterspaces, bring them all back HERE and reassemble it onto this one.'

She lifted her hand to see the warm, nostalgic golden glow on her hand, then gasped, flipping her hand back and forth: see-through, like all the other civilians of this dimension, except she was aqua green all over! Looking around, she reached down to pick up a random rock, but her hand went straight through.

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