Ch. 5: Shattered Part 5

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That was all Sonic could make out when he came to his senses. Feeling around, he realized he couldn't move at all, like he was suspended to something. Looking around, he called into the abyss. "Who's there! Hello~? Hello? "

He was met by a flash of a light suspended above him. Feeling around more, he found he was stuck in the middle of a giant metal ring generating a weird energy that kept him locked in a star shape by his hands and feet. Or something. It was hard to tell what was what with everything so blurry.

"Ow! A little warning," he recoiled, squinting his eyes. He could literally feel his eyes watering. "Man, that's bright..."

The loud clang of a metal door from his left reached his ears. 

"Hello? Tissue?" he called out, asking for a tissue.

Another series of clangs approached him. He could barely make out the beady eyes of two Eggforcers escorting a small yellow smudge towards him in handcuffs.

"You're wasting your breath," the smudge told him.

"Nine? Is that you? Where's Willow?"

"To your right."

Sonic cranked his head to the right, and sure enough, there was the mint green hedgehog, in which he could see clear as day, suspended to another trap similar to his, totally freaking out trying to break free. It was like reliving The Incredibles all over again!

"Willow. Willow, it's okay! Just calm down."

It didn't really seem to be working much, though. She may have let herself stop struggling, but she could literally start seeing red in her vision from all the heavy breathing she was doing. And Sonic could tell that her muzzle was turning a slight shade of purple.

"Willow, calm yourself! You're gonna make yourself pass out!" he raised his voice worryingly, before instructing her in a much more soothing tone. "Slower breaths, Willow. Just ease up~."

Willow thought back to one of her lessons with her most recent therapist as of late. 'Cookie-breathing. Remember the cookie-breathing.' She couldn't cup her hand over her nose, so guess she'll have to make due.

'Inhale the freshly baked cookie's smell.' Inhale though the nose.

'And blow on the really hot cookie.' Exhale through the mouth.

'Inhale the cookie smell, and cool down the cookie.'

She repeated this process several times until she felt more warm and relaxed, and. her muzzle returned to an opalish peach.

Seeing that she seemed to be doing better, Sonic turned back to the yellow smudge. "So, Nine, where are you? Are you the small blurry thing or the medium blurry thing? Or the big blurry--" He let out a big gasp as he watched a pink smudge walk right past him further to the left.


Willow craned her neck out to the side to see what the blue hedgehog was now hugely grinning about.

"All right! Now we're getting somewhere! Got a key?"

"Negative," the pink hedgehog replied in a robotic voice while typing away under the faint light of a computer before turning towards them in the better lighting. "My identification is Rusty Rose."

Willow let out a small terrified gasp.

Rusty looked exactly like the old Amy, but was made entirely out of metal. Her fingertips were like daggers, a cut sheet of metal covered the right side if her eye, which was an ominous laser red, while her left was a solid, lifeless jade green.

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