dancing with our hands tied

Start from the beginning

"nice one dude i wish i thought of that" trevor says giving the kid a high five.

"alright alright guys" jack sans settling them down.

Estella gets up suddenly.

"mamas mad" Trevor indicates in a southern accent

"nope! i'm cold so grabbing a blanket" She says as the nods. Once she walks off they begin talking again.

"so do you guys like her?" jacks asks caring about his friends opinions.

"man she's funny and chill. You won" Alex says

"yeah dude she's totally hot and funny" trevor adds getting a look for the hot comment.

"yeah she is really nice too" quinn also says. Jack nodds and they start to talk about "dude" stuff.

The warm summer nights finally back at last she thought when walking away. All the boys also looked like could stay there forever. So she was going to get some water guns and squirt them. A little revenge. Hurrying she grabbed any in sight filling them up as much as possible. Carefully tiptoeing back to the bonfire. She hid in a very close bush waiting for just the right moment. Once Trevor turned his back she knew it was time.

Standing up fast she pulled the lever back blasting all the water out at Trevor. Little girl screams left his mouth making her die of laughter. The boys looked shocked she then grabbed the other ones getting jack super wet and the other boys.

"LIVLEY!" jack yelled

"hahahha your a little girl trev" alex says


"oh it's on" cole even added running to get a water gun.

Shock and game time looks appeared on their faces. The boys all got up going to try at get her as there were more water guns left. Trevor and cole grabbed more guns as she ran around trying to hide. Jack was running trying to get his girlfriend.

"AHHHHHHH" she screamed running around.
"JACK NO NO PLEASEEEE" She said once he was getting closer.

"baby this what you get"

Jack met her face to face and before she knew it jack swooped her up so she was like a potato sack on his shoulder.


All of the guys now had the water guns soaking her with them. She screamed so loud the dead probably came back alive.

"damn she's dramtic jack" trevor said

Before he could reply she did. "That's what makes me a good actress". She yells

She tried so so hard to get out of jacks grasp but failed.

"get what you get and don't throw a fit" Trevor said in a baby voice. Making her flick him off again.

All of the boys then jumped into the pool and jack walked towards the pool still holding his girlfriend about to throw her in the water.

"i swear to god jack please don't" She begged looking at the water. The guys chanted "throw her in" repeatedly.

"too bad" Jack said throwing her in and he jumped in after.

They all begin splashing at each other laughing like complete idiots and then a few moments later it started to rain. Another thing estella loved rain.

Rain and sunsets. Something so comforting about rain.

Estella got out of the pool and began to walk down towards the boat dock. The rest of the guys didn't notice besides jack. He follows her actions getting out to see what she was up to.

"hey" he said once he catched up to her.

"hi" estella said mesmerized by the rain and her boyfriend. The girl began to dance.

"dance with me?" jack asked seeing her dance on the rain.

"you actually want to?" she says with her face brighten up.

"of course" he replies

He takes her hand in his. She wrapped her hands around his neck and his hand resting on her waist. The two begin to sway back in forth humming a tune. Estella's head falling onto his chest. Jack gave her some turns or spins whatever you call them. Dipping her down low he planted a big kiss on her face. Summer love....



did i just put a ... yes i did hehehe after summer we got some spiceeeeeeeee

 yes i did hehehe after summer we got some spiceeeeeeeee

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