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"I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THE NEVERSEEN WERE FORCED TO BECOME THE EVIL GROUP BY ELYSIAN!" Sophie said. Her whole life felt broken apart and wrong now-----she tried avoiding her friends as much as she could because she didn't want them hurt especially Keefe. So she wasn't social anymore and she planned fo lock herself away in a room forever she didn't even care if she died their. So she didn't believe Oralie's possible lie anymore or she tried to think of it as Elysian trying to control her or if she even did want to get controlled. She needed someone to talk to that wouldn't get hurt ever. She missed everything she did with her friends but she reminded herself that it was for the best. But she didn't want to be an elf anymore she wasn't that 12 year old girl with no worries anymore. She even cringed whenever Alden mentioned his catchphrase at places because she didn't believe it anymore. She doubted anyone did. And her having alot of abilities was very bad if Elysian ever stealed her. She needed to stop using them, tell people that she wanted to stop using them. She was tired of just having hope and being able to plan but not be able to do anything with it. But she soon wished she were that super oblivious girl again were she knew nothing about this world. Heck, her friends wouldn't even be in danger if it weren't for her not coming here. She couldn't stay positive anymore not unless she ran away with Keefe. She didn't want to do this to him by making him numb again but she had to leave to get things under control and once the Neverseen were gone she would go back there. But she will go there. She will stay there until there are signs that they are gone. She was giving up. She would go back if she needed to though same with Keefe.

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