More Than Just A Girl Pt 1

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Summary: For two years, Mini and Rudy hid their relationship from their parents. They also hid their relationship from their closest friends. All of the Potatoes are royalty. So, that being said Mini, Brynne, Hira, and Aru are all Princesses. Rudy and Aiden are Princes. They are all from different countries, but they knew each other from their parent's meetings/conferences.

Also they're like much older in this. Like, early/mid twenties.

AN: Oh my god... Me? Writing something other than Aiden and Aru as the main ship? *Gasp*

Also, I feel like how I wrote Rudy's character in this is different than how I do in other one shots, or than how he acts in the Aru Shah series. Things tend to fly over his head, he's goofy at times. Yeah... He's not exactly like that in this. He's a little more serious, but I did try to add some of that Rudy pizazzin there so.

"No, Rudy," Mini giggled. "Rudy, if you tickle me any more, I will punch you."

"Ohh, you wouldn't," Rudy teased, continuing to tickle Mini.

"Yes, I will!" Mini shouted through laughter.

Then, they both froze when they heard steps coming down the hall. They sat up straight, and Mini grabbed the binder she had placed on the coffee table.

"Yeah, uh, that sounds like a great idea, Mini," Rudy said, clearing his throat as his father walked in.

"Yamini," Rudy's father greeted. "I didn't know you would be coming over so early," he smiled.

Mini stood up. She was just wearing a light yellow sweater and grey sweatpants. She quickly rubbed her sweaty palms on her pants. "I didn't expect to see you so soon or else I would've worn something else," she said quickly. "More appropriate."

"It's fine, truly. I understand that sometimes the less dressy clothes are the more comfortable ones." Mini nodded. "So, why are you over so early, if you don't mind me asking?"

Mini looked between Rudy and his father. "Well, I'm just here to help prepare for the next few days," she half-lied. It's a little white lie. It can't hurt, right? "Rudy said he needed some help."

"Good to know someone takes their role as upcoming ruler seriously."

"Father," Rudy said. "I do take it seriously, but I am also still young. I would like to live out my teen years to their fullest potential."

"You should be studying for your role as upcoming king, not out on the streets partying."

"I don't want to discuss this in front of a guest, Father."

"Oh, pay no attention to me. I'm busy with these papers to listen into your conversations," Mini said, ruffling through a binder full of sheets on Rudy's couch. "Besides, doesn't have anything to do with me. I have no right to pay attention to your conversations," She tucked a pen behind her ear.

"See, Rudra? People like Mini are the people you need to start hanging out with. Good lord, you need to find someone like Mini to become Queen when your mother and I retire."

Mini's head shot up from her binder. "Pardon?"

"I would suggest Mini herself if she didn't have her own throne to claim."

"Father, that is enough. Mini and I are trying to help prepare for the ceremonies tomorrow, and your incessant need to get me married is keeping us from doing such," Rudy quickly said.

There was silence between Rudy and his father for a moment. "Fine. I trust that I will see you and your friends at dinner?"

"Yes, father."

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