One Chance Pt 2

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AN: I'm writing this around November 12th, so Louis Tomlinson's new album just came out yesterday... Let me just say, it's on repeat.

Uh... it's now December 23rd. I'm now listening to The Weeknd as always. so. I just realized how long it takes me to write these parts, goodness gracious.

also, not proofread because i'd just read over errors anyway😍

Aru jolted awake. Her hair was a mess and splayed all over her face. Without Aru even moving her mouse, her computer screen flickered on and her email inbox opened.


Hello, Aru.

Heard you made it home. I haven't been able to get out there recently. A lot of good memories out there.

I can't get out there to possess the chip soon. You'll probably be out there for a week, but I see that as time for you and Aiden to plan your next heist.

Much love,

Aru rolled her eyes and then put her fingers on the keyboard.


I'm not doing another heist with Aiden; end of story. No person would willingly want to be around him. He's a nuisance.

I can come to you on Tuesday to give you the chip. Really not a bother. As soon as I can get out of here and be on my own again, the better.

Severely annoyed,

Aru got up and looked at herself in her mirror. "This is gonna have to do." She did however quick brush her hair and then throw her hood over her head.

She could hear the tv on downstairs as she went down.

"Good afternoon, sleepy head," Aiden said, not bothering to face her from where he sat on the couch.


"There's cinnamon buns on the counter if you want some."

Aru made her way into the kitchen and stared at the cinnamon rolls. "Do you know what else we have for breakfast?"

Aiden finally got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen island. He hopped up on the counter and took a cinnamon roll. "What? Don't like people making you breakfast?"

Aru glared at Aiden. "I actually don't mind it, but with you, I feel like I have to worry about being poisoned."

Aiden rolled his eyes as he took another bite. "As if I would know where to get poison around here."

"Basement, to the left. It's down there somewhere," Aru shrugged, going through the cupboards.

"Why do you just have poison laying around?"

Aru looked back at Aiden and smirked. "I don't have a basement, Aiden. Chill." She took out a bagel, then threw it in the toaster. "I find it offensive that you think so low of me."

"You brought up unethical, I will show you unethical," Aiden mocked, getting off the counter and walking toward the fridge to grab milk.

Aru flicked her eyes to Aiden, then back to the toaster. "I don't sound like that."

Aru heard a scoff from behind her. Then, she felt his hand slightly touch her hip to move her slightly out of his way. She froze.

"Yes, you do," Aiden said, pouring milk into a glass.

"N-no, I don't."

"When you're cranky you do."

"I don't get cranky."

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