Who Says 'Nah'?! Pt 3

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AN: so we're going to pretend this story originally started on a Friday. then part 2 took place on a Saturday. this is going to take place tuesday a week and a half later. i just want to make a clear "timeline" here.
also, i have a couple references to up for the test in here. idk if anyone's going to recognize them but.
this is only roughly proof read. i'm sick, so

Aru watched as he turned out of class right in front of her.

"Yeah, great," Aru mumbled, spinning around and going the other direction, pushing through the crowd.

"Hey! Shah, wait!"

Aru wove through the students in the hall, barely being able to see where she was going.

Then she smacked into a chest.

"Aru, right? Hey!"

Aru looked up and there was Rudy.

"Rudy. Hey. Sorry about this. I gotta go."

"Nonsense. I figure since we're basically best friends, you would want to give me your number."

Aru stared blankly up at Rudy. "We're not that close, dude."

"Uh, yeah, we are? We're literally like this." Rudy crossed two of his fingers. "Anyway, give me your phone and I'll put my number in."

"I really gotta go, man. What a shame. We should definitely have this conversation some other time, though," Aru said, moving past him. Once she was far enough away, she added on, "or never."

Then she felt a hand grab her elbow, causing her to turn toward the figure behind her.

"What is up with you?" Aiden asked, looking down at her.

"Let go of me," Aru said.

Aiden immediately released her arm. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't know how else to get your attention."

"I don't want to talk to you, Aiden. Please just leave me alone."

"Shah, please," Aiden said quietly, his eyes darting around her face, pleading for a chance. "Let me fix this. Give me one more chance."

Aru shook her head. "There's nothing to fix here."

"I obviously did something. Just tell me what."

"Aiden, I need to go."


"It's Mr. Terri's class. I really can't be late. Sorry."

She backed away.


"I gotta go."

She turned away and pushed through the people and made her way to class. The long way...

She made it through the doorway right as the bell rang.

"Ms. Shah. You're lucky this time," Mr. Terri said, not looking up from his book.

"Yeah, sorry." She quick walked over to his desk. "Can we talk after class really quick?" she whispered.

He glanced up at her through his glasses. "Yes. Now, get to your seat. Class is starting."

Aru nodded and went to her seat next to Brynne.

"What took you so long?" Brynne whispered.


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