One Chance pt. 5

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"Tell-tell your dad... t-tell him-"

"Tell him yourself," Aru cried. "Someone help!" she screamed. She noticed Brynne was still on her knees at the other end of the hall.

"Tell him I-I'm sor-sorry. He... w-will know what I'm talk-talking about."

Aru shot awake, shooting up into a sitting position. "Help!"

The door in front of her burst open and Rudy ran through. He stood a few feet away from Aru. "Hey, you're okay. You're safe," he said, holding a hand out as if he was trying to calm a rabid dog about to attack.

Her chest heaved. "You... What happened? Where are we?" She got out of the bed and stared at Rudy. "What did you do?!"

"Hey! Don't yell at me!" Rudy yelled back in defense.

"What-what did you do to me?"

"I haven't done anything."

"Yes you have!"

She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. She didn't remember ever changing, but they were her clothes.

Rudy must've noticed her looking at what she was wearing because he then commented on it. "You got checked out by a doctor. That's why there's gauze on your arm."


"A few days ago. You-you should remember it, Aru. You were awake. Not verbal, but awake."

Aru rubbed her face. "Well, I don't!"

"Could you stop yelling? It's too early. It's going to mess with my aura."

"Oh, screw your stupid aura. I-I have to get out of here."

"Aru, no. Please."

"Please," she mimicked. "If you want something, you can't be nice about it."

"What happened to you? You were so nice."

"Goodbye, Rudy."

Aru pushed past him even with his best attempts at keeping her in her room. She ran down the stairs and appeared in an empty living room.

"Aiden!" he yelled from the top of the stairs.

She glanced over and a saw a kitchen, to which she walked over to. She rummaged through the cabinets looking for food, soon finding a few rice cakes.

"Shah, you're awake," a voice said from behind her.

She quick grabbed a knife from the counter and turned around.


He put his hands up. "Hey. Let's put the knife down."

"I'm good, thanks," she said, backing up and moving her way around the kitchen island.

"Let's talk. We don't need any weapons."

"So take yours off first," she challenged.

"I don't have any."

Aru Shah One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now