(AU) Noise and Neighbors

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Notes!!! I do not assign them to any certain college except they do go to college somewhere near a beach in California. The twins are not major in this AU, but I am going to try and make them characters in future Oneshots. 

P.S. please PM me or comment ideas for some Oneshots you may like to see and I'll try to get around to writing them, and of course, you will have credit!

Another P.S. I kinda like this so it may have another part sometime in the near future. 

Summary: The main Potatoes (and Hira) are in college. Aru and Mini are dorm mates, and their neighbors don't particularly like the noises they make.

Words: 2.4k 

"Aru, I'm going to run off-campus and get some groceries. Do you want anything?"

Aru was tapping her pencil eraser on the table to the beat of her music.

"Aru," Mini tried again, putting on a cardigan over her t-shirt.

Aru took out one of her earbuds and glanced over at Mini. "Sorry, what?"

"Did you need anything at the market?"

"No, I'm alright."

Right as Mini was about to leave, Aru yelped. "Wait! Can you get me an Arizona tea and some microwave popcorn?"

Mini sent Aru a thumbs-up and closed the door behind her.

Aru unplugged her headphones and turned up her music. Now, if she could just get this essay done it would be alright.

"Why am I in college?" Aru mumbled to herself.

Twenty minutes into thinking about how to start her essay, there was banging on her wall. Did she hear it? No, of course not. Well, not until it grew louder.

Aru paused her music and stood up out of her chair. "Dude, turn down your music!" the person in the dorm over yelled.

"I'm trying to focus, jerk!" Aru yelled back.

"Well so am I!"

"Come over here and tell me that yourself if you want me to stop!"


Aru rolled her eyes and pushed her chair in. There were three simple knocks on her door. Aru walked over and opened the door.

"Shah and Kapoor-Mercado-Lopez residence. How may I help you?" Aru said snottily. She looked up and met eyes with a very good-looking guy. She leaned against the doorframe and stuffed her hands in her sweatpants ' pockets.

"Hi. It's the jerk from next door. Would you mind lowering your music?"

Aru studied his face. He had curly black hair, dark eyes framed by even darker eyelashes, and skin that looks golden-brown in the hallway lights. He was taller than Aru by at least a foot. As he stood there waiting for a response, Aru realized his eyes also have flashes of blue that reminded her of the sky and dusk.

"I-I'm Aru Shah," she said, extending her hand. "The Shah part of the Shah and Kapoor-Mercado-Lopez residence," she joked.

Aiden shook her hand for a brief moment. "Aiden Acharya, of the, uh, Acharya and Naga-Loka resistance," he responded, hooking one of his thumbs toward the form next door.

"Nice to meet," Aru paused. "Pleasure to have you knock on my door," she said.

'Dude, what the heck?' Aru scolded herself mentally.

Mini appeared behind Aiden with two plastic bags. "Hey. I see you two finally met," she said, smiling while pushing past Aiden.

Aru looked over her shoulder Mini. "Finally?" Aru asked, but she was ignored.

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