One Chance pt. 6

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AN: This is out a lot sooner than I expected so. I hope you enjoy it. Last part, and then either More Than Just A Girl is our or some time breaker between this and that so!

Aru found herself with a bag of clothes and sitting in her father's plane.

"Aru," he said, coming out of the cockpit.


"Hey, drop the 'tude," he said firmly.

"You expect me to drop everything for you, every time. I'm getting sick of it."

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't say that," he responded, sitting down. "How've you been? Haven't heard from you in a solid year."

"I've been alright." She glanced out the window as the plane took off. "How's Xavier?"

"He's fine. He's actually why I'm bringing you back to base."


"As you know, each year we take in a new batch of trainees after careful consideration. We then spend a few years training them. However, it's getting around the time that everything becomes very busy for me."

"Can we speed this up? I have places to go and people to see."

Her father glared at her before continuing. "I need someone to take over the training program. And I've elected for you and Xavier to do so."

Aru scrunched her brows. "Why now?"

"You're back now. You've been on the field a lot."

"And Xavier? Why him?"

"His family has wealth and power. He's also pretty smart."

"Eh, I've encountered smarter. What about Mini?"

"What about her?"

"If you want me to help train this batch, I want Mini to be the person by my side. Not Xavier."

"Not happening."

"Why's that?"

"Mini is medically trained, not combat trained," he argued.

"False. She would've had to be trained in combat in order to be in the Shadows. So, why are you so adamant on it not being Mini?"

"It's not for you to decide! You're doing it!"

Aru's jaw tightened. "Speak to me like that again, and you'll deeply regret it. Do not test me."

"I taught you what you know, Arundhati. You-"

"The teacher grows old. He becomes cranky. However, the student only continues to learn and become better than the teacher. If you think that you would have a chance," she paused and laughed. "That's just quite funny."

"You wouldn't hurt me."

"Try me."

"You have morals."

"I have very few morals that I'm not afraid to abandon," Aru replied quickly.

Suyodhana maintained eye contact with his daughter. "Fine. Not Mini. Throw other names out there."

"The Jagan twins."


"Just one of them? Whichever you choose."

"Still no. They're too young."

"They're like a year younger!"

"Another name or you're stuck with Xavier."

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