(AU) Noise and Neighbors pt.2

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-Day Of Christmas break-

Three months later, the group had grown closer. They even came up with a name to call themselves. The Potatoes. 

Aiden and Rudy thought it was stupid, but Brynne was the one who recommended it, so there was no way they were going to say anything about it.

All six of them were leaving to go back home for the holidays. Rudy decided to stay in the US because he was invited to stay with Aiden and his mom. Actually, he wasn't invited by Aiden or his mom. He invited himself. Was it a surprise to anyone? No. Why not you may ask. Well, Rudy made sure he was involved in anything and everything. 

-Flashback to a few weeks before-

There was a knock on Aiden and Rudy's dorm door. Rudy opened the door and smiled. "Hello, Aru. How are you?"


Rudy cut her off. "I'm good, thank you for asking. What brings you here?"

"Uh, is Aiden here?"

"No. He's in class. Why?"

Aru looked at her phone screen. 6:32 p.m. No classes ran at that time, not even ones for extra credits. She tucked her phone back in her pocket and scrunched her face in confusion.

"No reason. I'll see you around, I guess."

Just as she went to turn around and leave, the bathroom door in the dorm opened and Aiden stepped out. He must've just gotten out of the shower moments before because his hair was dripping. 

"Hey, Shah. What are you doing here?"

Aru looked him up and down. This was the only time Aru ever saw Aiden in something other than a hoodie and jeans. He wore a black t-shirt with grey sweatpants and a nice watch. 

"Um, the girls and I wanted to know if you wanted to come to play golf with us up the street."

"Oh, sure. I've been meaning to check that place out. I just got to dry my hair."

"Okay, cool." Aru smiled awkwardly and rocked on her heels. 

"Y-You can come in, ya know," Aiden laughed. 

"Oh, thanks." Aru stepped in and shut the door behind her. 

"Sit anywhere," Aiden said, stepping back into the bathroom and shut the door. 

Aru sat in a chair they had just laid in the middle of the room when she heard Rudy sigh. 

"You alright, Rudra?" Aru asked as she heard the blow dryer turn on.

He sighed again. "Nothing. It's just that I have no friends to invite me anywhere."

Aru slapped her hand over her mouth to muffle her laugh. "I-I'm sorry. What? Is-is this you trying to guilt-trip me or something?" she laughed. 

When she looked at Rudy, she saw that his face was deadset. She immediately stopped laughing and cleared her throat. "You know, that's such a shame. No one to invite you golfing or anything," Aru said nonchalantly. 

"Do you want me to tell Aiden about the crush you have on him?"

Aru raised a brow. "You wouldn't," she said quietly. 

Aiden stepped out of the bathroom and looked between his cousin and Aru. "You two alright?" he asked, sensing the tension. 

"Dear cousin," Rudy started, standing up and approaching Aiden. "Aru has a-"

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