(AU) Noise and Neighbors pt.3

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The door opened, and Harrison and Krithika stepped in. Aru had just come down the stair, so she stood to greet her mom and step-father. 

"Beta, we have to go get groceries, so you will be in charge of looking after Jackson."

 "Uh, no. This is my Christmas break, and it's not going to be spent babysitting my step-brother."

"Look, it's only for an hour or two."

"My answer is no. He's not blood-related to me, so I don't care."

Jackson made his way through the front door on crutches and a neck brace. 

"End of conversation, Aru. We'll be back in a bit." And with that, Krithika and Harrison left. 

Aru looked him up and down. "Hey, Jackson. Looks like you got lucky."

"Lucky? My motorcycle is ruined. I'm also grounded for three months, so I don't classify that as lucky."

"You're seventeen, Jack. You shouldn't have been out past curfew. To end up alive is what I consider lucky."

"Why are you even here? You should've stayed in California." As Jackson went into the kitchen, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Aru said as if anyone else would get it. She walked over to the door and opened it. 

There was Rudy. 

"Hi, Aru. It's Rudy, as you can tell. Would you like to come with us to Augustus Day school to hang out?"

"Who is us?" Aru asked, leaning on the doorframe. 

"Mini, Aiden, and me."

"Mini?" Aru asked. "Rudy, you must be delusional. Mini is in Texas with her family. It's Christmas Eve, after all."

"No. Mini is right there." Rudy stepped out of the way and pointed to the sidewalk where Aiden and Mini stood.

Aru stood in shock, looking between Rudy and Mini. "Uh, sure. Let me just grab a hoodie." Aru shut the door and went to the kitchen where her hoodie was hung up. 

"Since you don't want me here, I'm leaving to go hang out with friends. I hope you know how to make microwave pizza."

"What? You can't leave me."

Aru put on her black hoodie and brushed her fingers through her hair. "I'm an adult. I can do what I want."

Just as she was about to leave, Jackson called out to her. "I'll call dad."

"Do it. He's your dad, not mine. What's he gonna do?" 

Aru left Jackson in the museum and ran down to meet Mini. "Hey. Why are you here?"

"Ouch," Mini said, feeling kind of sensitive. 

They all started to walk to the park. 

"I didn't mean it like that, Mini."

"I know. I'm still just a bit butthurt by my family ditching me."

"Ditching you?"

"Yeah. They went to Canada to visit some relatives they didn't even know about. I texted Aiden not to wait up when we were planning to meet up on the way back."

"You need a place to stay?"

"I was planning on just staying in a hotel."

"I have an air mattress I can blow up. I'll sleep on the air mattress on the floor, and you'll sleep on my bed. I'll change the sheets for you and everything."

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