One Chance Pt 4

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AN: Y'all. I have pink eye. and covid... I've never been more miserable in my life. that's actually a lie. i was the most miserable with covid the first time, but. allow me to be dramatic.

Two years have passed since Aru was declared "dead."

"She's heading down the stairwell!"

Aru hurried down the steps. 'Just one foot after another, Aru. You got this.'

She pulled the hood over her head as she burst out the door at the bottom of the stairs, but someone grabbed onto her upper arm.

"I think you have something that doesn't belong to you."

Aru froze. Not again.

She didn't turn to look at Aiden, for she already knew that he would see her when he went to grab the computer bag from her.

"So you don't talk or?"

Aiden made his way around to the front of her, and just when Aru turned her head away from him, he pulled down her hood.

She could feel his hands grip tightening, and she sighed. "You have to let go. Your people are going to be running down the stairs in a few seconds to take me. Please, let me go," Aru said quickly.

"Funny seeing you again. Kinda thought you were dead."

"I don't have time for this right now."

"You lied! You left while I was in recovery!" Aiden snapped.

"Aiden! I don't have time for this! Either you let go of my arm, or you allow me to be killed. Your choice," Aru bit out. She took a breath. "I can meet you somewhere if you want to talk, but not right now."

Aru watched as Aiden's eyes flicked between hers, almost as if debating something. She froze when she felt Aiden's arms wrap around her and hug her. She didn't wrap her arms around him, but she did basically melt in his hold. All her thoughts went on pause. Then, she heard the door at the top of the stairs burst open. "Aiden," she whispered.

"When I let go, run. Don't look back. I'll find you."

"Only if I let you."

-Right before Aru left-

"Aru, you're not leaving. End of story."

"Yes, I am, Dad. And there's nothing you can do to stop me. My bags are packed and they're in my new car. I'm ready to leave."

"I'll close your accounts off. You won't have access to my money."

"Do your worst. I'm your best employee, and you know that. I have gotten the most missions done here out of everyone, and I've never failed."

"What do you call two days ago, Aru?"

"That was a bump. And we got over it. You should too."

"So, that's it? You're just going to travel from state to state in the meantime?"

"Wherever you need me to be, I'll go. Just not here."

"Where are you going to live?"

"I can bounce between hotels. Nothing new."

"That's not a home."

"I haven't stepped foot in the house in years until last week. I got by in the meantime. I can do it again."

"It's not way to live, Aru! You're going to be away from your family! Away from me, and Mini!"

"Then I can always come back and visit, or you guys can come to me!"

Aru Shah One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now