I chuckled as Jamie's demeanor perked right up over the cooking. I looked to them with a smile of my own.
"These ones"
Jamie thrust two eggs very proudly forward into my hands.
"Ah steller choices Bambi"

We worked like a well oiled machine, well me like a machine while Jamie managed and gave me orders. Soon enough though Jamie was digging into their portion of runny eggs and toast while I finished up my own.

"I'm sorry I didn't bring more food for you earlier Jamie"
"S'ok, I like food we make more. Buh cereals pretty good too-"
Jamie dunked another soldier into their egg and gobbled it up. I chuckled and joined them with my own plate

We ate in yet another comfortable silence, Jamie finished first as they always did and went to stand but waved my fork at them to make them stop
"Wait- hold on Bambi, there's something I want to talk to you about"

Jamie groaned and settled back down in their chair, I pushed my food aside and took a breath.
"Jamie I know you're really tired-"
They nodded with their pout from before brought briefly back.
"-yeah, today's already been alot. So Ill be quick"

I took another second before beginning my spiel
"Jam you remember the doctor talking about certains things we need to be strict on"
"Sort of... Food and sleeping right?"
I think they knew where I was heading, as they wouldn't look at me again and pulled at June's ears.

"There was another one jam-"
They cut me off, speaking slowly but with a slight shake in their voice
"I know, and I won't do it"

Again, I was cut off. This time by a drawn out whine.

Jamie hid their head down in their arms on the table. I resisted the urge to abandon the topic and pushed forward to get what needed to be said said.

"I'm putting my foot down here Jamie. Starting tonight, you will be wearing diapers to bed. And honestly I think it's best you start wearing pull ups during the day too"
Jamie's head shot back up and they cried out
"No! Andi I don't need them!"
"I think we're far past that Jamie. I know this hard for you and I'm sorry but my decision is final"

Jamie was silent, but they were obviously not doing ok. They were gripping June's ears so hard their hands were shaking
"Jam it going to be ok"
"No it's not"
They were quiet
"It's not big deal Jam, it's alright to need a bit of protection"
Their voice cracked. I tried to reason
"Bambi, it's either wet bed or wet diaper-"

"Just Stop!"
Jamie suddenly hurled June at me. The rabbit missed me, sailing right past my head  and hitting the glass door with a 'thump' before falling to the ground. Jamie let out a quiet gasp.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
They put their head in their hands again and let out a little sob.

I quickly picked June up and rushed to their side, pulling a chair in close and sitting down. I lowered my voice and chose my words carefully.
"Jam it's alright, you're alright. Can I touch you Bambi?"

Jamie nodded, I wrapped an arm around them and they turned in towards my chest, before burying their head.

They weren't crying, but they were sniffling and breathing quite heavily. I just held them, rubbing circles on their back. After a moment I offered Jamie June back
"Someone wants a hug too Bambi"
Jamie peeked out and immediately held their hands out for the floppy bunny

"I'm sorry"
They uttered as June was brought into a tight hug. I wasn't sure if they were apologising to me or June, but either way it didn't matter much. I knew there was just too much emotion going on for them, plus an apology of any sort meant Jamie was far away from hostility
"You're so nice apologising Bambi, thank you"

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now