Chapter 48 - Fiona and Rouge's child

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It was about a month after Scourge and Marinette's wedding and in the afternoon. Sona and Knuckles were just moving into their new house. The house was in a nice and peaceful neighborhood about a few miles from the city. They were moving boxes into their house. Knuckles looked at Sona 'wearing short overalls, a blue tank top, and boots with a hairband'. Knuckles thought, "Man shes hot." Sona had a few boxes of the babies stuff. Sona said to herself, "Well luckily they each their own room. They'll probably fight if they shared one." The movers were busy moving the furniture to the house as well. That's when Knuckles said, "Take a break Sona. You don't need to carry all that to Stephanie's new room." Sona sighed and said, "I know. Though I haft to carry their cribs in their separate rooms. Luckily their asleep so it's only a matter of time." Knuckles replied as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "I know but let me. The other guys and I have this covered. Why don't you go have time for yourself babe. I'll let you know when the children are up." Sona nodded and said, "Okay if you insist. I mean they just turned 3 months old." That's when Sona heard her phone rang. It was Rouge. She answered, "Hello?" Rouge replied, "Hey Sona. Can you come with me and Fiona? We are adopting a baby girl at the adoption center." Sona replied, "I'll be right over." She hung up and sped to Fiona and Rouge. Once she arrived, she sees Fiona and Rouge waving to her. Sona greeted them, "So what baby girl are you guys adopting?" Fiona replied, "Well we saw a half bat half fox baby and we instantly fell in love with her. We were wondering if you can see us become new parents." Sona smiled and said, "I'll be glad to. You both had gotten married before my sister and Scourge did." Then they walked into the adoption center. The receptionist saw them and said, "Oh hello. How may I help you?" Rouge replied to her, "Me and my wife here would like to look at the half bat, half fox baby at the nursery." The receptionist said kindly, "Oh okay. Follow me." Sona and the girls followed them in the nursery. Once they arrived, they saw the baby Fox-Bat girl. The receptionist explained, "We had her at the orphanage since she was left on the door step. Her name is Roxy." Fiona turn to her and said, "We like to adopt her if that's okay." The receptionist smiled and said, "Okay. Follow me and we'll get you to sign a few papers and she's officially yours." The two walked with the receptionist as Sona followed behind. Once they arrived the orphanage lady showed the papers. She pointed to certain places where they signed and initials. Once they were done, the orphanage lady went and got Baby Roxy. The Bat-Fox baby opened her eyes and looked at her new parents. The orphanage lady said, "Say hello to your new mothers Roxy." Roxy reached out to them and babbled. Fiona took the baby as she smiled. Fiona said to Rouge, "Oh baby. She's beautiful." Rouge said to her, "Hi Roxy. We are your mommy's." Roxy smiled and snuggled Fiona. Sona felt warm inside as she sees the new parents of Roxy Bat-Fox. Once the girls walked out with their baby, Sona said to them, "Congratulations girls. Your new parents." Thats when she heard her phone rang. She got a text from Knuckles. It said, "Twins are awake and Nicky is wondering where his mother is." Sona replied to the text, "Be right there." Rouge said playfully, "Children troubles?" Sona smirked and said, "Very funny Rouge. But I gotta get going. My husband to-be wants me back and so does my son." Rouge asked, "Mind if we drop by?" Sona replied, "Not at all Rouge. You two are my best friends. See you at the house." Sona speeds off. Fiona grabs Roxy's little arm to make her wave and said, "We'll tell you our rebellious stories of our past Roxy. When your a spoiled mobian teenager." She chuckled. That's when Roxy chuckled with Rouge and Fiona.

<meanwhile back at the house>

Sona arrived back at the house. She saw the progress was amazing. She laid the movers and thanks them. One of the movers then said as she started the moving van, "It's not a problem Ms. Headdress." The movers drove off and Sona entered. There were only 5 more boxes that needed to unpack. Thats when Knuckles walked in with the babies. Nicky reached out to her. Sona grabbed him and said, "Calm down boy. Mommy's here." Sona then said with a chuckle, "It's nice to see you guys did an amazing job. Especially you my strong boy." Knuckles blushed and said, "Ehh it was nothing. Don't forget babe. It's only one month left until our wedding." Sona rolled her eyes playfully and said, "Yeah. I know Red." The two kissed. Knuckles then said, "By next month we'll be married Sonic. We'll be one happy family." Sona blushed and smiled and said, "We already are Knux."

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