Chapter 35 - Sona's realization

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In the middle of the night, Sona woke up with a quiet groan. Sona looked around before she asked herself, "Ugh, what happened? where am I?" Sona looked to see Knuckles on the bed before she whispered, "Shit I must've drank again. Did Knuckles bring me here?" Sona then took off her shirt and skirt. It only left her bra and underwear. She noticed her shoes were off. She assumed Knuckles took them off just after she fell asleep. Sona sat down as she sighed. She then said, "Why must I keep doing this to myself? I mean this is dumb. I'm not suppose to be with him anymore. What if it happens again? What if he dumps me and goes back? Maybe I should just leave. I want to love him but..." She trailed off. Before hearing a familiar voice beside her, "He really loves you faker-ette." Sona let out a light gasp before turning to Shadow 'who had to talk to her'. Sona covered herself as she said, "Shadow? What do you want?" Shadow replied, "I'm here to talk. You need to realize that you love him and you still have." Sona looked away and said, "There was a saying, if I actually liked him, I set him free and I did. I also disappeared for a new life. I have no regrets leaving everything behind." Shadow asked, "Yet you wanna leave your friends behind?" Sona couldn't answer that. Shadow then said, "Look, I already asked Sonia to marry me, we'll be somewhere far away to be married and have a family of our own. He has eyes for you now and not me." Shadow then sighed and said, "Look, I broke up with him because I didn't love him anymore. But then he found you and he did not want to let you go again. I'm not his meaning to love anymore. You are his meaning to love now. That's why I said for you to date him." Sona raised a brow and said deeply, "How do you know? he'll just come crawling back to you." Shadow shook his head and said "You don't know if he will. Your afraid of loving and he's knows it. He said so himself, you are his meaning." Sona looked at him before Shadow said, "Please don't leave him and be there for him. Just as much as he will be there for you. He will appreciate you and never let you go. Goodbye." Shadow teleports as Sona laid down. She had been thinking and thinking. Before she realized, she really did love him. Sona whispered to herself, "So I did love him all along. But I don't want to. It's like I'm replacing Amy." Thats when a familiar female voice said, "Your not gonna replace me." Sona looked to see the ghost of Amy Rose 'who was dressed in white' Sona was in tears as she whispered, "Amy..." Then Sona hugged her and said, "I miss you so much." Amy hugged back and said, "I miss you too. But I came to see you one more time." Sona broke the hug and said, "Ames no one will take your place." Amy smiled and said, "I know but you forgot what I said on my death bed; I hope you can someone else that can love you as much as I can love you. By the way you look cute as a girl Sonic." Sona sniffed before Amy said, "I already saw you have someone else to love Sonic. I love you but I want you to be happy." Sona asked, "Can I give you one kiss before you go?" Amy nodded and said, "One day we'll see each other again but until then, love him like you did me." Sona had tears in her eyes before both kiss. The two broke the kiss as Amy said, "Go with peace and love Sonic and good luck." Amy vanished as Sona whispered, "Sayanora Amy Rose." Sona looked at Knuckles sleeping form and smiled as she blushed. Thats when Sona lays down and fell asleep.

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