Chapter 32 - Explanation part 7

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The next morning; The blue hedgehog woke up in the hospital. With a high pitch groan Sonic sat up. That's when the blue hedgehog looked around. Sonic thought, "I better look at myself." Thats when Sonic grabbed a hand mirror nearby. In the mirror, was the most lovey girl. Sonic said to herself, "I look..." She didn't know what to say. That's when another female voice said quietly, "Whoa is that you Sonic?" She turn to see another female hedgehog. It was undoubtedly Manic. Though she was awesome. Sonic said, "Yeah. Is that you big bro? I mean sis?" Manic nods. The two were amazed by their appearances. Neither Sonic or Manic cannot believe it. That's when he doctor said as he walked in, "I see you both are awake. You two had some sort of stroke at the ball last night. Luckily you both are okay. It's wasn't a severe stroke." Sonic replied with a cute and pretty voice, "We're really sorry. We didn't mean to upset anyone, we-we're new here." The doctor replied, "Oh no. It's fine miss." The doctor walked off and Scourge entered with Fiona. The two looked at them. Fiona was amazed before she said, "Th-they're... They're gorgeous." Scourge asked, "So you guys picked a couple of names?" Manic replied, "We were thinking about and me and sibling decided to go with two girly names. Marinette and Sona Headdress." Fiona rubbed her chin and said, "Those aren't actually bad names." Marinette replied, "Thanks." Thats when Sona looked out the window and said, "I think I'm gonna like this life. I also think I'm gonna like being an anti-Hero as well." Fiona chuckled before she said, "So Sona, have any friends?" Sona replied, "Other than my sister? No. I don't have a best friend either." Fiona replied to her, "Well Sona, you have one now." Sona smiled as Fiona smiled back.


Sona finished her story, "After our release, Fiona trained us to be super sexy but awesome ass kicking anti-heroines. I didn't find out Rouge joined until I killed Eggman on my first mission. I actually liked it. Though things were smooth sailing for me and my sister for 2 years. At least until you showed up." Knuckles sighed deeply and said, "Believe me blue girl. I didn't actually expect you to be 'this'. I was actually hoping that you will save me from that rapist. But not as a chick. I didn't even recognize you until I saw you at that show giving Rouge a thumbs up and I saw that cocky smile of yours." Sona rolled her eyes and said, "I thought that would slip from everyone." Knuckles replied as he placed an arm around her, "I'm always gonna remember that cocky smile of yours, Sona." The blue hedgehog female blushed before looking away.

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