"Judy?" Dewey asked.

Y/n nodded as she answered. "Hello?"

"Y/n?" Judy responded, her voice panicky. The anxiety Y/n could feel through the phone made her slightly uncomfortable. "I need you to do something."

"Yeah, what do you need?"

"Call Wes, please. He won't answer the phone. Make sure he's alright."

"Oh, okay."

Y/n hung up the phone and immediately dialed her boyfriend's number. He didn't answer at first, making Y/n stressed out. Dewey watched her, slowly pulling out his keys from his pocket. "Do we need to go?"

"Not yet," Y/n replied. "I need to make sure something's alright."

Wes finally picked up the phone. "Y/n?"

"Wes," Y/n released a sigh, sinking in her seat. "Why didn't you answer?"

"Sorry, I was in the shower. What is it?"

"Your mom called me," Y/n replied. "It sounded urgent. Are you okay?"

Silence replaced his voice; she heard him place the phone on a counter. "Wes?"

"Sorry. I thought I heard something."

That was when it clicked in her head. Judy wouldn't have called her to check on him. The panicked voice should've warned Y/n. Did Ghostface call?

"Is your mom home?"

"No, she went out to pick up sushi. Why? Want to come over and eat with us?"

"Why didn't you deliver it?"

"Cause when they deliver food, it gets all mushy. You know I don't like that," Wes responded. 

Y/n knew why; she didn't know why Judy would leave him alone with a serial killer lurking around.  Maybe Y/n was paranoid, and Mindy was correct. Ghostface wouldn't go after victims of the stupid sequels.

"You know, I can go over now."

"Yeah, that'd be great. . ." Wes trailed off, plates clattering in the background. 

"What are you doing?"

"Setting the plates for dinner. I'll add another one for you." 

Y/n smiled softly as she gestured to Dewey to pay the bill and go to Wes' house. He placed a twenty dollar bill on the table as they went to the car. 

The car started immediately as Y/n ran her hands through her hair, stressed. "Are you still with Dewey?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Does he have to eat with us?" He asked. 

"No, we just ate like five minutes ago."

"Oh, then why are you eating here then?"

"Maybe because I want to spend time with you," Y/n responded. 

A door shut loudly in the background. "What was that?" She asked. 

"I think my mom is here. . . but she came a bit faster than I thought."

That was when Y/n's breath hitched, urging Dewey to speed up. "Mom?"

She heard his footsteps as she tried to think of something to say; her stress levels were insanely high. Wes called his mom continuously. "Wait, I have to go," Wes responded. "I'll talk to you later. I love you." 

"I love you too."

Wes didn't press the correct button, resulting in Y/n still being on the phone. She chose not to say anything to make sure he was okay. She heard him lock the door and released a sigh before turning around. 

Suddenly, Y/n's ears rang from a piercing scream as the phone crashed onto the ground. "Fuck! Wes? Wes?" Y/n yelled. 

The phone was lifted from the floor as someone else— not Wes— answered. The voice was low and menacing; anyone whose seen the 'Stab' movies could recognize it.

"Hello, Y/n. Nice to meet you."

"Fuck you!" Y/n screamed, tears streaming from her face. It was him. He was there. 

"Oh, that's too mean. Your boyfriend is quite busy, but I'll see you soon."

Y/n felt her heart drop as the car sped up. "Don't worry, Y/n," Dewey comforted. "We're only five minutes away from the Hicks' house."

Five minutes was too long.


uh oh

PUBLISHED: 4/21/23

EVERLONG, ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now