Chapter 30: Demise of Arthur and Le Fay

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(Kamen Rider Vulcan is seen ready to fight Arthur Pendragon, when suddenly Le Fay comes in and summons a Gogmagog.)

Vulcan: What the hell?

Le Fay: Have fun with Gogz!

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Le Fay: Have fun with Gogz!

(Then Le Fay takes her brother away.)

Vulcan: Tch, cowards...

(Gogmagog charges at Vulcan and attacks him

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(Gogmagog charges at Vulcan and attacks him. He manages to dodge the attack and summons his Attache Shotgun)

 He manages to dodge the attack and summons his Attache Shotgun)

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(Vulcan then shoots Gogmagog, and pulls out a progrisekey.)


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(He places the Progrisekey in the Attache Shotgun.)


(Then he prepares to shoot.)


(Vulcan unleashes a rapid-fire volley of energy hedgehog quills which destroy Gogmagog. Then he chases after Arthur and Le Fay.)

Vulcan: HEY!

Arthur: (sees Vulcan) Damn, he's persistent.

(Vulcan prepares to finish both Arthur and Le Fay.)




(Vulcan fires a mass of energy hedgehog quills into the air, which home in on both Arthur and Le Fay, piercing them as they scream in pain before falling down. Vulcan approaches them.)

Vulcan: This is the end for you, Khaos Brigade.


(Vulcan prepares to destroy both of them.)

Vulcan: And never come back here.


(Vulcan fires four blue energy constructs of wolf heads from the Shotriser that attach to their limbs and crash them into a nearby surface, followed by the energy heads transforming into energy pins and securing the target in place. Vulcan then charges the Shotriser and fires a ball of blue energy that melts through everything in its path, including Arthur and Le Fay, pulverizing them.)

Vulcan: Two down...

(Vulcan then leaves without a trace.)

(Meanwhile, Formidable and Sirius are seen at Quinton's house, serving him a tray of food as he eats it.)

Quinton: Delicious.

Formidable: Thank you, master

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Formidable: Thank you, master. By the way, we wanted to tell you something.

Quinton: Let me guess, you're here to confess your feelings to me.

Quinton: Let me guess, you're here to confess your feelings to me

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Sirius: Wow, you guessed it right on the first try.

Formidable: This just shows how smart you are.

(Back to Vulcan, he is seen reverting back to Nicholas Grayson.)

Nicholas: As long as Khaos Brigade exists, I will not stop fighting!

(Then he leaves as the screen fades out.)

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