Chapter 3: A Date with Enterprise

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(Quinton is seen hanging out with Enterprise in the streets.)

Quinton: So? I've been thinking. How about we go to a restaurant and eat something?

Enterprise: Good idea. I'm hungry.

(They then go to a restaurant where they order their dinner. Y/N orders a Breaded Cutlet while Enterprise orders Katsudon. And also they order two orange juices. As they wait patiently they start talking.)

Enterprise: I've been thinking, Quinton... The girls in Azur Lane are totally excited to see you in the flesh. And I came to a conclusion.

Quinton: What conclusion?

Enterprise: Well, they're my friends, and if they love you as much as I do, I won't mind sharing you with them.

Quinton: Well... I don't know...

Enterprise: Don't worry, we'll make sure you got time for each one of us.

Quinton: Well...

(Suddenly the waiter and the waitress come in with their orders.)

Waiter: Here's the order.

Quinton: Thank you, waiter.

Waitress: You're welcome. Bon Appetit.

(As the waiters leave, Quinton and Enterprise prepare to eat.)

Quinton/Enterprise: Itadakimasu!

(As they eat their dinner, they don't know that a fallen angel is watching them.)

Dohnaseek: So he's the one who killed Raynare. I'll personally make him suffer for this. That... is a promise.

(Then he walks away, leaving the couple to eat their dinner.)


(Quinton and Enterprise pay the bill and leave the restaurant, when a fallen angel suddenly stops them.)

Quinton: Another fallen angel?

Dohnaseek: How did you know?

(Quinton pulls out his driver and his phone.)

Quinton: Do you see these things here?

(He puts the driver in his waist.)

Quinton: I killed one of yours with these?

Dohnaseek: (stern) You did what?

(He presses the button "5" three times.)


Quinton: Henshin!


(Quinton becomes Kamen Rider Faiz, and charges at Dohnaseek. They exchange blows and Faiz gains the upper hand as he beats him and dodges his attacks before punching his face, sending him sprawling. Faiz then mounts the Faiz pointer on his right leg and prepares to finish Dohnaseek.)


(Dohnaseek charges at Faiz, who then jumps while he generates a crimson energy drill.)


(Faiz kicks through Dohnaseek, and the fallen angel is reduced to dust. Suddenly Enterprise feels a familiar presence, and turns to see Observer Alpha.)

Enterprise: Uh-Oh...

Faiz: What's up?

(Faiz sees Observer Alpha who charges at the couple. She overpowers Faiz and Enterprise, even slamming the former into a wall, sending him sprawling. Enterprise gets up, but Observer Alpha blows her away.)

Faiz: (worried) Enterprise!

(Then Faiz readies his finisher again.)


(A crimson energy drill is pointed at Oberver Alpha as Faiz charges at her and jumps before trying to kick through her, but she blocks him and uses her tentacles to throw him up, but he doesn't give up, and uses his Faiz Shot before doing another finisher.)


(Faiz then descends with a powerful punch and hits Observer Alpha, causing her to scream in pain before being reduced to dust. Quinto then checks on Enterprise.)

Quinton: Are you alright?

Enterprise: Yes, I am.

Quinton: Good. Let's go home, so I can patch your wounds.

(Then he carries her in a bridal style, and she kisses his cheek.)

Enterprise: One day, you'll be doing the same in the church.

(Quinton smiles as he keeps carrying her, and then the chapter ends.)

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