Chapter 4: Meet Eagle Union

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(Quinton and Enterprise are seen walking towards what looks like a base.)

Quinton: What is this place?

Enterprise: This is where I live along with the others. Welcome to Eagle Union.

(They get inside of the place, and then various shipgirls come in and look at Quinton.)

Shipgirls: So you're Enterprise's boyfriend?

Quinton: Yes, you have a problem?

Shipgirls: No, not at all. We're just... surprised... very surprised.

Enterprise: This is Quinton Octavius Smith.

Enterprise: This is Quinton Octavius Smith

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Yorktown II: Oh, so that's his name. (to Quinton) My name is Yorktown II. Nice to meet you.

Quinton: (nods) Likewise.

Hornet II: I am Hornet II

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Hornet II: I am Hornet II. Glad to see you at last, stud.

(She winks before wiggling her butt, and then someone hugs him from behind, and it is revealed to be Arizona.)

Arizona: My name is Arizona

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Arizona: My name is Arizona.

(Sht then licks Quinton's neck before walking away while swaying her hips.)

Enterprise: (giggles) It looks like they liked you.

Quinton: I see...

(Then another shipgirl named Massachusetts approaches him and unzips her dress, revealing her bra and that she's wearing no panties.)

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