Alice ran after him , worried for her brother while the other two siblings stared at them in silence, continuing to eat their breakfast like nothing happened.

"J-Jessi are you okay?', Alice questions with her ears pressed against the bathroom door, her voice filled with worry as she hears her brother gagging in the bathroom. She knocks on the door to get a answer but instead she is answered with more sounds of Jessi coughing.

She stays in front of the door , waiting for her brother to exit. It takes quite a while before the door slowly opens and reveals her brother looking a little pale, which worries her even more as she moves to him and places her hands on his shoulders.

"You're not okay, are you sick?,  do you feel unwell?, Do you want to go to bed ?, Do you still wanna have that talk ?", Alice throws all those questions to Jessi as he looks at his sister with a blank expression and tired eyes. 

He slept enough last night, yet he feels so tired, it confuses him.

"I-I just wanna lay down for a while", Jessi answers and Alice nods in understanding, leading her brother to the room that he slept in the night before, and as they walk past the hallway on the second floor, he suddenly has those weird flashbacks of Blake and how he behaved last night, making him feel nauseous in the stomach again.

When they finally arrived on the third floor , they walked to the direction of Derick's room, Jessi grabs ahold of Alice's arm, making her stop her movements and turn to her brother with a curious stare.

"We still need to have that talk", Alice nods and they both enter Derick's room while Alice is still holding onto Jessi, afraid that he would fall over since it looked very much like it, she didn't understand why he was suddenly like this, he was just fine last night.

The two went to sit on the bed and looked at each other for a few seconds before Jessi spoke, "Something weird happened last and... I don't know how I feel about it , it might be nothing but I just have this weird fucking feeling that tells me something is wrong, I-", Jessi speaks but he doesn't finish as he run his fingers through his black locks in an attempt to calm his raging nerves.

"Come on Jessi, just breath and calm down, then you can tell me what's on your mind, okay?", Alice tries to calm down her distressed brother.

Jessi takes Alice's advice and breathes slowly to calm himself down, luckily it does work and he feels a little better, his mouth is less dry and he isn't sweating anymore, he finally opens his mouth to talk to his sister that is looking at him expectantly.

"Early this morning around 3am , I went downstairs to drink some water because I was feeling very thirsty... But on the way , I saw Blake standing in the hallway , he just just stood there and stared at ... Nothing. So, I called him to make sure that he was okay but when he turned around to look at me , he looked... Crazy", as Jessi explained,  Alice payed closely attention to his words and the way his lips trembled while speaking.

"He had this weird look on his face , I was scared so I-, he- ", Jessi stuttered as he spoke while Alice rubbed his back to show him some comfort.

"He chased me ... It was as if he wanted to k-kill me and luckily I got away but I kept thinking about what happened, it bothered me so much and I started getting this weird feeling that tells me that I should just fucking ... Run away, I-I don't know", Jessi spoke as a single tear slipped from his eye.

"It's okay, just keep talking, I'm listening, I'm here", Alice reassured him in a soft tone, making him feel less anxious than before.

"I don't wanna be here anymore , I just wanna go fucking home", Jessi spoke as he wiped his face, not wanting to let his sister see him cry but as he wiped that tear , another one decided to escape which frustrated Jessi as he hid his face away from his sister, silently crying while Alice looks at him in pity.

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