Chapter 53 - Building a Routine

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Over the next two weeks, Abhimanyu and Akshara settled into a normal routine. Abhimanyu would wake up early, go for his morning run and afterwards, go to the gym on the ground floor of their apartment building.

He would spend 1 and a half hours on his morning exercise before going back upstairs. One he was in their room, he would kiss Akshara on the lips, awakening her whilst his entire body laced in sweat.

Akshara did not mind Abhimanyu's sweat clad body relishing the feel of her lips at all. Instead, she enjoyed the little perils of sweat from Abhimanyu's forehead touching hers. It was her favorite wake up call.

After which, sometimes, they would get hot and dirty in the bed. Or sometimes, Abhimanyu would kiss Akshara awake before heading off into the shower. Akshara would then awaken, make the bed and get started on the breakfast. Once Abhimanyu would finish getting dressed, they would switch positions and Akshara would go for her shower whilst Abhimanyu would finish making and plating the breakfast.

"Morning." Akshara mumbled, smiling against Abhimanyu's lips.

"Morning, Glasses." Abhimanyu but her lower lip, affectionately, deepening the kiss.

Akshara moaned against Abhimanyu's lips, gripping his shoulders just as Abhimanyu removed the blanket from over her and picked her up, carrying her to the bathroom.

However, most of the times, it was rather the third option they chose, which consisted of Abhimanyu simply carrying Akshara to the bathroom for a water conserving shower.

The thought itself of conserving water by showering together was ironic because the total time Abhimanyu and Akshara spent showering together far exceeded the total time they spent showering individually when combined.


There were also days when Abhimanyu would go do his morning routine, come back and simply snail under the covers again, pulling Akshara into his embrace, searching for some extra snuggle time.

"Abhi, we have to wake up. We will be late for class." Akshara mumbled sleepily, snuggling deeper into the crux of his arms.

"Just five more minutes." Abhimanyu mumbled back, unwilling to let go.

"Hmm." Akshara agreed, rubbing her behind against Abhimanyu's hardening length.

"Akshara." Abhimanyu warned.


Abhimanyu kissed the nape of her neck before closing his eyes, relaxing against her body.

A few minutes later, Akshara's alarm clock rang, making her aware of the time.

"Abhi, it's time to get up." She yawned.

"Five more minutes." He mumbled, reaching over Akshara's head to snooze her alarm clock.

Not wanting to escape from the warmth of his embrace, and thinking they had enough time to get ready and get to class, Akshara closed her eyes too. Five more minutes of sleep couldn't hurt.

Except, it is never a good idea to ignore your alarm clock. Because sometimes, those extra 5 minutes can turn into 50.

Akshara awoke by chance as she turned in Abhimanyu's arms, remembering that it was not the weekend. Her eyes widened as she checked her time on her phone. It was 8:30 and they had to be in class in exactly half an hour.

And she had never been late to class before. Ever.

Panicking, Akshara pushed on Abhimanyu's shoulders, awakening him. "Abhi! Wake up! We are late!"

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