Chapter 51 - Sweet Revenge

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Abhimanyu dragged Kairav by the collar towards the parking lot. Once they were out in the open air, he gripped his collar and pulled him up to his chest until he felt the veins on his forehead pop.

"How fucking dare you!" Abhimanyu exclaimed.

He pulled his hand back, curled his fingers inwards and smashed his fist against Kairav's stomach.

"Abhimanyu, I can explain." Kairav struggled against Abhimanyu's grip.

"Bhai, stop! We can sort this out in a cordial manner." Neil rushed up to Abhimanyu and Kairav in a bid to break the fight.

Abhimanyu let go off Kairav's collar, shifting uneasily on his feet, trying to calm down. He then turned around and layered a knuckle punch to Kairav's jawline, sending him flying towards the ground.

"You bastard!" Abhimanyu exclaimed, shifting on his two feet, in a defensive fighting position.



Akshara and Reem exclaimed simultaneously as they rushed outside alongside Krishika to see the scene unfolding in front of them.

"How fucking dare you! Is this revenge? Is this you trying to get back at me for being in love with your sister? You are fucking sick man! Fucking twisted!" Abhimanyu exclaimed, running his hand through his face.

Kairav got up from the ground. "Abhimanyu, look, I can explain."

Abhimanyu pulled his hand back and pushed his fist in Kairav's face. "You fucking stay down or I will punch the shit out of you."

Abhimanyu had to remember that no matter how angry he was with Kairav, at the end of the day, we was Akshara's brother. And hurting Kairav meant hurting Akshara.

"Abhi! Please!" Akshara and Reem rushed over to Kairav and Abhimanyu.

Reem bent down, protecting Kairav from any more of Abhimanyu's punches whereas Akshara embraced Abhimanyu in a bid to make him calm down.

"Please stop! Stop, Abhi! Please!" She pleaded, trying her best to calm her erratic and nervous heartbeat.

Abhimanyu looked down towards Kairav in murderous rage. He then saw how softly and tenderly his sister was tending to the cuts on Kairav's bleeding lip.

"You were one to question mine and Akshara's love. Accuse me of taking advantage of your sister. All the meanwhile you were doing the exact same thing? How fucking hypocritical of you, Kairav Goenka. Policing me on my love, treating me like dirt whilst you are no better." Abhimanyu grit out, his anger knowing no bounds.

"You fucking –

"Abhi! Stop please!" Akshara exclaimed, scared the situation might escalate.

"Bhai! It's not Kairav's fault! It's mine! I am the one who pushed for the relationship." Reem confessed, getting up from the ground and standing tall in Kairav's defense in front of Abhimanyu.

"No Reem. I don't want to fucking listen to you. I want to see what he has to say!"

"Abhi please! Focus! Listen to what she has to say. Please?" Akshara pleaded.

Abhimanyu looked down at Akshara's pleading gaze and nodded his head, feeling the temperature in his body drop. He narrowed his eyes in an unspoken exchange.

For you, Akshara. Only for you.

Akshara blinked her eyes, giving him a small smile. Thank you.

"Start talking Reem, before I punch him again."

"Remember when I was in Dubai –with my friends, after my breakup with Jay?" Reem asked Abhimanyu.

"Yes." Abhimanyu nodded his head, as he gripped Akshara's waist, trying to keep his hands occupied.

"My friends decided to cheer me up. We went clubbing. We got drunk...and...that's where I met Kairav. And it didn't click in my head at first –both of us were super drunk –and we ended up spending the night together." Reem explained.

Abhimanyu closed his ears, trying to get rid of the picture of Kairav and his sister in bed together.

"It wasn't until the next morning when we woke up that we realized who...who the other person was." Reem continued.

"I...I really didn't know she was your sister, Abhimanyu. I swear." Kairav spoke up, apologetically.

"Shut the fuck up. I didn't ask you." Abhimanyu glared at Kairav, making Akshara grimace before turning back to Reem.

"You. Continue." He ordered.

"So we decided to part ways. Knowing it was not...a good idea. And it was just supposed to be one night. Until I came to Udaipur. And saw him at our home. I...we....we tried to ignore our feelings. We talked it out. Told each other it was not a good idea. But we kept coming back to each other. I was the one who pushed him. He was reluctant. It's not his fault, Bhai. It was me. I was the one who convinced him to give us a chance –see where it lead. No promises. No nothing. Just the two of us." Reem confessed, lowering her lashes to the ground. "It's not his fault. I convinced him."

Akshara looked up at Abhimanyu's face to see him starting to relax. To settle. She loosened her grip on him, wanting to give him space but Abhimanyu pulled her back, unwilling to let go.

"I...I love Kairav, Bhaiyaa. I am in love with him."

"You do?"Kairav's voice softened as he heard Reem's confession. He began to get up from the ground only to be met with Abhimanyu's glare again and decided against standing up. He was better off on the ground.

Reem turned around to face Kairav, leaning down in front of him on her knees.

"I do. I wanted to tell you for a while but I was scared you wouldn't feel the same way. I love you."

Abhimanyu, Akshara, Neil and Krishika watched as Kairav cupped Reem's cheek and confessed his feelings. "I love you too."

Reem and Kairav stared at each other, their eyes softening, filled with love. That is until Abhimanyu cleared his throat, interrupting them.

"So you beat the shit out of me for being in love with your sister all the while you were in love with my sister too?" He asked, beginning to cool down.

"Well, to be fair, you got your fair share of your punches in too. I feel like you might have broken a bone or something." Kairav grinned.


"Sorry, man. For punching you. For lashing out on you. I shouldn't have." Kairav apologized.

"Yeah well, I am not. Sorry that is. You deserved what was coming for you." Abhimanyu grit out, making Akshara roll her eyes.

He then outstretched his hand and helped Kairav stand up on his two feet.

"Thanks man." Kairav smiled.

"Yeah well, if you hurt my sister, I will make sure your body is never found." Abhimanyu warned.

"Likewise." Kairav chuckled.

Akshara held back and smiled, thankful that Abhimanyu's anger —as vast and fast building as it was —it was equally quick to cool down.

Simmering down, Abhimanyu held Akshara's hand just as Kairav held Reem's hand and Krishika held Neil's. All of them grateful that a crises had been averted.

"So, dinner anyone?" Neil broke the silence.

Kairav and Abhimanyu looked towards each other before Abhimanyu answered, "No, I'm good."

"Me too." Akshara spoke up, gently caressing Abhimanyu's hand. "I think it's better if we all go home."

"Yeah, come, I'll drop you." Kairav looked towards Reem who nodded her head. "Okay."

Akshara and Abhimanyu looked at each other before they parted ways from the group. Kairav and Reem also went their own way.

"Well, looks like it's just the two of us." Neil winked at Krishika.

"Come on, let's go, I am starving." Krishika informed Neil, making him laugh.

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