Chapter 20 - Time Away

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"Sooo? How was your date with Sid?" Krishika asked Akshara in anticipation, over the phone.

It was just a little past noon and Akshara has just come back into her room after finishing breakfast when Krishika had called. Abhimanyu had been at the dining table too but he had left quickly, soon after polishing off his breakfast.

Before leaving, he has announced to Manjri he was going to be staying at a friend's place today and won't be home till tomorrow night. He didn't tell the name of his friend but a nagging feeling in the back of her mind kept taunting with Niharika's name. Maybe he was going to be staying the night at Niharika's place and just the mere thought of that made her sick.

"The date was good. Nice."

"Nice? That's it?! Come on now. Don't be shy. Give me the details!"

"There are no details to give! We just went out for a movie and has food afterwards. Talked for a bit and then he dropped me hope. It was...nice. That's it."

"Did you guys kiss?"

Akshara sighed, remembering the night with Siddharth but more so Abhimanyu's reaction afterwards. The way he had pushed her against the wall, his eyes, tortured, his voice, pained, his grip, firm. "No. We just hugged. We didn't hold hands or kiss." She confessed.

"Why not? Is something wrong, Akshara?" The humour in Krishika's voice disappeared and instead was replaced by concern.

"I...I am confused Krishika. Sid is a great guy but I don't feel anything for him. I tried. I tried very hard but...I couldn't do it. And I don't want to be unfair to him, lead him on...because I know he really likes me. But..."

"But is he expecting anything from you? No, right?"

"No. Sid is really understanding." And he was. He really, really was.

"I know what —or rather who is currently occupying your mind, and this is why you need time away from him so you can think clearly. I know you said no already, but think about it. The first years are going on a weekend camping trip this weekend, come with us. Clear your mind. I know Sid is going too so you'll be able to spend time with him, alone, and away from Abhimanyu."

Akshara sighed, pondering over Krishika's offer. "I don't know...I don't think that is a good idea."

"Why not? What's stopping you? Think about it. It's only for one weekend. We leave Friday and come back Sunday. Right now you can't think clearly because Abhimanyu is everywhere. You are surrounded by him. So the trip would be a good mind cleanse for you away from him. And you can spend time with Sid too and decide if you you actually like him or not. Think about it."

"I will. Thanks Krish." Akshara thanked her best friend for being the voice of reason before saying their goodbyes and ending the phone call.


It was around 6pm on Sunday night when Akshara met another member of the Birla family. Reem Birla. Nishtha, Akshara, Manjiri and Sonic were just about to sit down for their weekend movie night when the doorbell rang and in walked in Reem. Abhimanyu entered behind her, rolling in her suitcases.

Reem. She remembered Reem. They used to be friends. Reem was two years older but that didn't stop them from becoming friends and teaming up to create trouble in their brother's lives.

"Maa! Nishtha! Sonic!" Reem took turns hugging members of her family including Neil, Shefali bhabhi, Parth bhaiyaa, Dadi, Mahima Aunty, Harsh Uncle and Anand Uncle who had also assimilated in the main hall after hearing all the commotion.

In excitement, Reem turned to face Akshara and paused, a flicker of nervousness and shock in her eyes before it disappeared. "Akshara..."

"Hey Reem!" Akshara stepped into Reem's open embrace, hugging her friend after what felt like centuries.

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