Chapter 39 - The Aftermath

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The moment Abhimanyu and Akshara stepped into the corridor which led to their separate bedrooms, they found a bewildered Kairav standing there, waiting on their arrival.

Akshara gasped, fear encompassing her. Her grasp on Abhimanyu's hand automatically tightened as she squeezed his hand for support. Abhimanyu caressed her fingers with the the pad of his thumb, strengthening his hold on her hand.

Kairav's eyes narrowed in displeasure at the sight of Abhimanyu and Akshara held hands. "Akshu. Get packing. We are leaving. Now."

"Bhaiya..." Akshara protested, her voice feeble.

"Don't bhaiyaa me! We are leaving. Now!" He growled.

"Kairav. It's past midnight. You are drunk. It's late. Don't create a scene now. We can all talk about this like adults in the morning." Abhimanyu reasoned, taking the heat for Akshara.

"Scene? You are the one who created a scene, Abhimanyu." Kairav snarled.

"I am sorry for the way you found out about Akshara and me. I truly am. But I am not sorry for loving her. I am not sorry for how I feel about her. And if you have even the least bit of decency and understanding, you will go sleep off your anger. And we can talk about this, tomorrow when you've cooled down." Abhimanyu's voice was calm, calculated and assertive.

Kairav looked between Abhimanyu and Akshara before finally gritting out, "Fine. Pack your things Akshara. We move first thing in the morning."

He then glared towards Abhimanyu, expecting an argument but instead, was met with silence.

With that, Kairav stormed out of the corridor and towards his room, leaving Abhimanyu and Akshara to pick up the pieces.

"Abhi...bhaiyaa is mad at me." Akshara whispered, lowering her head. "He's disappointed in me."

Abhimanyu turned Akshara in his arms and rested them on her shoulders. "He is not mad at you. He is angry at me. I won't let him say a word to you. You did not disappoint him."

Akshara hit her lower lip, avoiding eye contact with him, wallowing in silence.

"Do you love me?" He asked point blank.

"Yes! Of course I do!"

"If you were given the chance to fall in love with someone else, someone your brother approved of, someone who was not me. Would you take it?"

Akshara hands flew to cover Abhimanyu's lips. "Abhi! How could you even say such a thing? Don't! Don't ever say that! It is you who I loved, love and will continue to love. No one else. Never." Akshara was furious that he would even say —imagine such a thing.

"Exactly. So don't worry about disappointing your brother. He'll come around. I did. He will too." He asserted.

Akshara nodded head. "Okay."

"Good." He tilted her chin up and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Abhi! Someone will see us!" Akshara gasped, her mouth agape.

"Yes, you're right. We should go into your room." He smirked mischievously, walking Akshara back first into her room and locking the door behind him before she could register what had just happened.


Abhimanyu sat patiently on Akshara's bed, waiting for her come out of the bathroom. With the truth of their relationship being out, they didn't have to hide anymore. Yeah, their parents still did not know, but that was a problem for another day. Tonight, he just wanted to be close to Akshara because she needed him and he needed her too.

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