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Tristan and I have broken up for two weeks now and I have been miserable. I miss him more than anything. Walking up alone makes me so unhappy. Seeing Ava and Sebastian fills me with envy.

"Get out of bed, sleepy head." Sebastian says in a singing voice.

"Later." I mumble.

He rips the duvet off me and I groan.

"I have the perfect plan of getting you and Tristan back together." he says with a smile.

I sit up to hear him out. "I'm listening."

"A little birdie told me that Tristan is going to the bar tonight."

I frown. Why'a he going to a bar? Is he already looking for another girl?

"It's not what you are thinking." he says. "His mates at the hospital are throwing him a goodbye party or something," Sebastian says, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll call Ava over and she'll help you get ready and you'll go to the bar."

"I don't know." I murmur.

"Olivia. You've shown a lot of progress this week. You haven't even asked for alcohol at all."

I didn't even realise. I have been too distracted with Tristan.

"Okay." I mumble. "Invite Ava over. I can do with some company."

He smiles and leaves the room. I guess i'm going out tonight.


"You look fucking hot." Ava says.

I grin at her. Ava bought a few dresses. I wore a silk satin red dress that reached my thigh. Yes, I was trying to seduce Tristan but this is what he deserves for breaking up with me.

"Thank you. You look so good." I say, winking at her.

She wore a white matching dress. "Do you need-" Sebastian says, pausing when he lays eyes on Ava.

"I guess I'm staying with you," he mutters, eyeing Ava up and down.

"No you aren't." she huffs. "We aren't married yet so you can't act like an overprotective husband."

"What if I want to sit in the bar and just drink?" he taunts.

She rolls her eyes. "Then do so but don't be mad when you catch me dancing with someone else."

His eyes darken and I take this as my cue to leave. "I'll be in the kitchen," I say, walking out.

I sit by the counter for at least 15 minutes until they finally decide to come out. "About fucking time." I murmur.

Ava's cheeks were flushed and Sebastian smiled at me satisfied. Ew.

"Time and place." I snap.

"Sorry." she murmurs, heading to the door and I follow after her but not before cutting a glare at Sebastian.

I hope tonight works.


We walk into the same bar from the other day and we head straight to the bar. "One drink Olivia." Sebastian says, pointing a finger at me.

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