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I roll onto my side as I felt the sun peering into my room. I grab my phone from the nightstand. I first notice the messages from our group chat.

Alyssa: who thinks we should celebrate Olivia's first photo shoot?

Tristan: if it involves getting drunk, count me in.

Alyssa: I can't get drunk asshole.

Ezra: if we go in public would we be bombarded by people asking for Olivia's autograph? If so, sign me up.

Alyssa: I would love to see that.

I chuckle and scroll off our chat and went onto Ava's unread message.

Ava: I have amazing news for you. Meet me at the cafe at 11 am. I don't appreciate tardiness. Be on time. Toodles. Xo

I groan before going on Instagram. Holy fucking shit. The post that Ava posted had over a million likes. The comments were wild. I couldn't believe what I was reading. My followers went from 50 to 50,000. All from one photo shoot.

After being stunned by the results of my photoshoot, I finally got off my phone and headed to the kitchen in search of Tylenol. I pick up a packet of medicine. "Paracetamol," I murmur to myself.

I remember Tristan mentioning they were a painkiller. I shrug and take out two and swallow it with a glass of water.  That should help me for the day. I glance at the clock, it was 10 am. That means Tristan has left for work and I now have an hour to get ready to meet with Ava.


I sit with Ava at the cafe. "I have so many new opportunities for you. I have been emailed by different companies asking for you to model for them. You're a star Olivia." she grins.

I couldn't believe this. I clear my throat. "Where do we start?" I ask.

"We need to find you a manager first. I have a list of managers who will love to work with you."

"Will I have to change managers when I move back to Arizona?"

"You're moving back to Arizona?" she questions, her brows furrowing as she looks at me from her laptop screen.

"Yes. I'm only staying here for eight weeks."

"Okay then. Maybe it'll work, you'll have to discuss it with your manager."

I nod my head in understanding.


Ava left because she had another photoshoot. I sit in the cafe with my notepad. The waiter approaches me with the salad I bought and the glass of water. "Thank you."

I start to write down the errands I had to run today.  I had to take daisy to her doctor's appointment and get some groceries and maybe go to the gym.

"Excuse me." someone says.

I look up from my diary to see a man. He was tall, not as tall as Tristan. His hair was cut short like a buzz cut and his eyes were the loveliest shade of brown. "Hi." I politely say.

"Hey, I've sat there for a while and it might sound odd but you are just so stunning. May I get your number?"

My mouth drops slightly. "I'm sorry. I don't-"

"Please." he cut me off. "Give me a day to prove it to you," he says with a playful grin.

I sigh. He wasn't an unattractive man. In fact, he was handsome. "Fine. Okay." I say. What's the harm in meeting someone? Plus, his accent is hot.

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