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Sebastian brings over two glasses of alcohol. One for him and one for me. "When I started to drink, I only began with one drink a day."

I eye the drink carefully. "How is this meant to help me?" I ask, shifting my eyes to Sebastian who was also watching me intently.

"Control Olivia."

He had already repeated that word a million times today and the day hadn't even started.

"Fine." I huff, clutching the drink and swallowing it. "Happy?" I ask.

"It'll be difficult to prohibit alcohol completely but limiting yourself to a glass a day would help you."

"I don-"

"This helped me. It should help you."

I wasn't an addict. I knew I wasn't. Tristan and Sebastian were overreacting as per usual.

"So what do I do next?"

"You're done for now but you aren't allowed to drink for the rest of the day."

"Not even a small glass of whiskey?" I ask.

"Not even a small glass of whiskey," he repeats.

"Fine. I'll resort to soda."

He grins proudly and I return a small smile. If this is what I had to do to get back with Tristan then fine.



I'm doing the one thing I've been putting off ever since we came back from Arizona.

Visiting my parents.

I kept tabs on my father while I was still in Arizona and I know that he's at an apartment recovering from his heart attack.

I haven't slept at all. I couldn't sleep without Olivia by my side. I was almost tempted to call Sebastian and tell him to bring Olivia back to me but I couldn't. This needs to happen.

I was on the phone with Sebastian and he was telling me that he was teaching Olivia control. One drink a day that was their plan.

"She's learning." he murmurs quietly as if he was worried that Olivia would overhear him.

"Good." I respond.

"I have to go." he says, hanging up.

I throw my phone on my bed and continue to get ready.


I don't know how long I sat in my car. I was tempted to turn around and get the fuck out of there but once I saw my mum stepping out of the apartment I knew I blew my chance.

When I found out that they were staying in an apartment instead of a hotel, I was shocked to say the least. The apartment implies that they would be staying in London longer than they should and I don't want that.

I finally get out of my car and made my way to my mum. She was holding her phone to her ear as she shouted at whichever poor soul was on the other end.

"You're fired. I'll find someone that actually knows how to be a decent assistant." she screams before ending the call.

Oh shit.

She turns around, her blonde hair flicking over her shoulder. Her eyes widen slightly in shock and then she disguises it with pure hatred. The hatred made my stomach turn. "Hey mu-"

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