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I was standing in a long ass queue at Daisy's favourite taco shop because Sebastian practically forced me to leave the hospital.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, I murmur profanities under my breath when I read Sebastian's contact. "Yes Sebastian. I am getting the tacos." I say, rolling my eyes at how irritating he is.

"No, it's not that. Olivia is awake."

My pulse raced. Those three words made me run out of the taco shop and run all the way back to the hospital. Once I made it to Olivia's room, I had a strong sense to cry. She was fucking awake. Her eyes were trained on the wall ahead of her. I approach her steadily. "Olivia," I whisper, clasping her hand.

She forces her head to turn to me as her blue eyes soften and tears rim the edges. "Oh God you're okay." I whisper, dropping to my knees and placing a kiss on her hand.

"Tristan." she whispers.

I reach out to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and she fucking flinches. "I will never hurt you Olivia." I say.

"How are you here right now?" she asks in a low whisper.

"Daisy called me."

She nods her head in understanding before her demeanour changes and her body tenses. "Daisy." she repeats louder. "Where is she? Did he hurt her?" she yells.

"No. He didn't Olivia. She is in the other room and she's okay." I calmly reply, even though my heart is racing at the fear in her voice.

Her eyes water as she slumps against her pillow. "He tried to kill us," she utters, her voice laced with pain.

"He beat me until I was on the brink of death. It hurts Tristan. Everything hurts." she whispers, tears rolling down her cheek.

I kiss her cheek and clasp her hand harder. "I'm so sorry Olivia. For everything." I whisper.

She shakes her head. "It wasn't your fault. No one knew what he was planning on doing."

"I won't ever let him hurt you again." my voice hoarse and shaky. "I can promise you that. I will protect you with everything in me." I say.

She didn't reply and a few seconds later, I hear someone walking into the room. I stand up and turn around. Justin's mouth parted as he took in Olivia's appearance. "Oh God Olivia." he whispers.

"Justin." she says, her voice trembling.

He walks to the edge of the hospital bed. "I should have done something." he says. "I should have demanded that you and Daisy lived with us."

"You know I wouldn't have accepted that." she murmurs.

"Oh Olivia," he mutters. "You're going to be okay. You and Daisy are moving in with Rose and me." he tries to reassure her but Olivia tenses. Her eyes dart to mine and I clasp her hand.

"She's moving back to London with me." I bluntly say.

He raises a brow at me. "Do you want to move to London with him?" he asks her.

I turn to Olivia, waiting for her to say something. "We haven't had a chance to talk about it," I say.

"Yes I do." she chirps up.

My heart pounds in my chest. She wants to move back to London with me.

"Alright then. Olivia, remember that you're a part of my family. I love you just as much as I love Alyssa." he says, stroking her hair.

Her eyes light up at his words. All she ever fucking wanted was a family.

"Thank you Justin." she murmurs.

"I'll come back later with Rose," he says.

She nods her head and he leaves the room. "How did you get here? Why? I thought you hated me." she says in a low whisper.

"I don't think I could ever hate you." I reply. "And to answer your question, Sebastian and I took his private jet."

Her eyes lit up when I mention Sebastian. "Sebastian's here?" she asks.

"Yeah." I murmur. My heart ached at the sight of her being more excited to see Sebastian over me. 

"I'll go get him for you."

I leave her hospital room and call Sebastian from the other room. When he walks in, he murmurs her name and she instantly looks at him. Tears fall down her eyes as he approaches her. "I'm so sorry." he says.

She shakes her head and opens her arms wide for him to hug her. She never even hugged me.

Brushing off my insecure thoughts, I leave the room to give them some time alone and I wait in Daisy's room with her. She was asleep.

As I sat beside Daisy, one thought lingered in my mind. Olivia's in love with Sebastian. The way her eyes light up when I mentioned him. The way she instantly opens her arms to him without any hesitation. I knew this was going to happen. I was just a stupid asshole for not realizing I was in love with her sooner because now her heart belongs to someone else and it isn't me.

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