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"Yes, Sebastian. I'm home safe and sound." I say, balancing my phone between my ear and shoulder, as I fold my clothes.

"Daisy is going back to school tomorrow. I have a lot of cleaning to do." I say, rolling my eyes.

"You definitely haven't missed that." he laughs.

I chuckle. "Definitely not."

"You sure you don't need me to come down there and help you out?" he asks.

God, he is so thoughtful.

"Don't be silly. I'll be okay." I reassure him.

He goes silent for a second. "I spoke to Tristan today." he confesses.

The clothes slip from my hands. "Is he okay? What did you talk about?" I ask, my pulse racing just at the thought of him.

"He's far from okay Olivia. He looks even more unhappy than he usually does."

My heart clenched.

"He asked about you." he reveals.

"He should have called me." I mutter, anger and sadness seeping into my bones.

He must have read my note. There was no way he couldn't have, he just didn't care. A tear runs down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away.

"He might call you. Just a hands up." he says.

He won't.

"Yeah. Thanks for warning me." my voice trembling. I clear my throat. "Listen Sebastian. Can I call you later? I need to go clean up."

"Yeah of course. Take care, Olivia."

I end the call and wiped my eyes to stop any more tears from falling. I need to check on Daisy. I leave my bedroom and knocked twice on Daisy's door.

"Daisy." I call out.

When I don't hear a response I walk inside her bedroom. "Daisy you okay?" I ask.

She nods. "I just feel strange being at home." she replies, fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah, I understand. Do you not want to go to school tomorrow? We can stay at home and eat snacks and watch movies all day." I say with a grin.

"As amazing as that sounds, I think I need to go to school tomorrow. I haven't seen my friends in ages."

That was another reason why I couldn't move to London. It was unfair to Daisy, her whole life was here. I couldn't ask her to move just so I could be with Tristan.

"Alright. Go to sleep. You must be exhausted."

She can finally walk without her crutches however she does have a boot on. "Good night Olivia."

"Good night." I smile as I close her door.

I finish off the final round of laundry before I head up to bed. I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillows.

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