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I was miserable.

There were a few times when I felt pure misery in my life. Firstly, when my parents forced me into a job I hated or when Olivia got kidnapped by Alyssa's ex-boyfriend but the feeling of losing someone I love because of my own cowardness came pretty damn close to that misery.

I couldn't sleep all night. Every time I turned to her side of the bed, all I could see was her. In my arms. Kissing her. Making her laugh or smile. Her smile. Her smile could make the saddest man on the planet smile. Her smile was like the sun after a rainy day. It was pure and genuine.

I even miss the stupid arguments we had. The stupidest one was over if she snored or not. Now I would do anything just to hear her breathe.

For fuck's sake. I'm losing my mind.

I wasn't in the right mindset for anything. I lean over the nightstand and reach for the note she left me. My finger caressed her neat handwriting.

You can turn your life around and make a career out of your art. You're so fucking talented Tristan. Never forget that.

I reread those words every night. I knew what I had to do, I just didn't know how to do it.


"Hey, Tristan," Bella says as she starts to walk with me.

"Hey," I mutter, clasping the envelope in my hand tighter.

"What's that?" she asks, glimpsing at the envelope in my hand.

"My resignation," I admit.

She stops walking and I turn to look at her. "You're quitting?" she asks, her eyes wide and her mouth parted. "You love this job." she says confused.

"It's not for me Bella. I want to do my own thing and make a career out of a passion that I absolutely enjoy."

Her eyes soften as she smiles politely. She walks closer to me. "Just do whatever makes you happy." she says with a smile.

Her arms fall open and I realise she was about to hug me but I dodged it by patting her arm awkwardly. Hugging anyone besides Olivia felt so wrong.

She laughs awkwardly. "I'll see you, Tristan."

I nod with a tight-lipped smile.

I head to the meeting that I had requested with the board. Knocking twice on the door, I hear a 'come in' and I walk in.

There were four supervisors sitting in a row at the table. Clearing my throat, I sit opposite them.

"Present yourself." one of the supervisors demands, before looking down at the sheets on his table.

"Doctor Tristan Morales."

"What was the need for this meeting?" he asks.

"I would like to resign." I simply say.

My heart pounded once the words left my mouth. Relief rushed through me.

His eyes widen slightly. "Is there a reason behind your sudden request?"

I shrug. "I need a change." I dryly reply.

"Very well," he says. "I wish you luck for your future however you may have to finish off the rest of this month just so we can pay off your last payment."

I nod my head. "Thank you," I say, leaving the room.

I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I finally leave my old workspace. I never realised how unhappy it made me feel like working there. Of course, Olivia noticed it before I did. Now I just have to work on getting her back.

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