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Tristan, Sebastian, Daisy and I landed in London a week ago and things have changed. There hasn't been a physical change but there's been a change in me. I don't feel like the same person I was before everything happened. It's like the girl I was died when my dad beat me until I lost consciousness.

I snuggle closer into Tristan's warm arms and he held them tighter around me. I could feel his warm, steady breath hitting my neck.

Tristan has tried to be as generous as he can be by taking me out to dinner, and going on cute dates. He's pretty much distracting me from everything that happened and sometimes I catch myself feeling excited when I'm with him but when I sit alone and I'm with my thoughts. Everything that happened to me catches up to me and it overwhelms me.

My phone buzzes on my nightstand. A few messages came from Ava. She was persistent on seeing me.
Ava: I heard you're back
Ava: are you okay?
Ava: I want to see you.
Ava: scratch that. I need to see you.

I lightly smile at her messages. A stream of gratitude filled my veins and I finally acquired the strength to get out of bed and leave the apartment.


I wait for Ava in the cafe and I ordered a hot chocolate. "Oh my god." I hear her say.

I turn my head around to look for her but two arms wrap around me and I stand up while hugging her back. "When Sebastian told me what happened with your dad, I was so scared. I never knew what was going on." she says, and I hug her tighter.

"I'm okay now." I whisper.

"Really?" she asks, pulling back to stare at me.

I nod my head with a forced smile. I didn't want to tell her that I wasn't fine because she would have to ask why and I don't know how to express how I'm feeling.

She takes a seat opposite me and I sit back down. She orders a coffee.

"When can you get back into modelling?" Ava asks hesitantly, as I sip on my hot chocolate.

I shrug my shoulders, already distracted from our conversation. Maybe I should have stayed home. I felt odd leaving home.

"I think you should take a break maybe." she says. "Until you feel ready to come back."

I nod my head in agreement. I wasn't ecstatic to be getting back into modelling.

We talk for an hour or so and eventually she informs me that she had a photo shoot to do. She hugs me tightly and I hug her back. "I'll see you later."

"Alright bye." I murmur, waving her off. .

She leaves the cafe and I stay for a while longer, thinking to myself. Something I found myself doing more than ever. I slam my hand on the table out of anger and I stand up. I couldn't think anymore. I needed a better distraction and I knew exactly what would distract me.

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